Chapter 2

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Alice's P.O.V


Uhh not again. I got up to see what my master Zek wanted. I got into the main room and see what he wanted me to do.

"Umm sir. You called me." I said.

"Yes I did. I want you to take these two squids to the prison and see if you or them can get some informtation from the prisoner's." Zek said.

"Yes sir, will do sir." I said as I left the room and the two squid gaurd's followed me. 

In the mean while I should intorduce my self. So to start things my name is Alice and I'm 15 years old. Sadly I'm a sorcercer myself. How you may ask. I don't know I was born with it. I was playing out side one day doing magic my parent's or people in my village didn't care as long as I didn't ruin anything with my magic powers. Any ways a guy came up to be and well told my parents that if I didn't come with him that he would of killed them in front of me. So now I'm stuck with a "master" as I quote it to myself. If I try and do any escape or anything on him he would kill me or my parents. So either way I can't win. 

Once we finally got to the prison I came up to on of the cell's. A robot guy in a cornor scared to death. Well what can I say he's next. After all I did torcher his friend over there with a blue hoodie. Now it's his turn. I opend up his cell and grabed him and pushed him in the chair.

"Please don't hurt me." He said scared. 

I hate to do this to people but it's for my master . "Now I'm giving you the option. You can do it the easy way where you can say anything you know about your friends and be set free or refuse and be like your friend over there in that jail cell."

"I don't need to say anything to you..... You monster." Robot dude said.

That pushed it. I used some random magic and hit him with it. 

"Argghhhh." He said in pain.

I got up close to him and said "Now want me to do this again?" as i got another ball of magic in my other hand ready to shoot at him.

"Okay okay. My friends are Mitch, Jerome, and Rob. Rob is that guy in the jail cell over there. I have known them for a while and so. They are good friends and all and they would never harm people. If you harm them, they will harm you back. But on problem....." He paused.

"And that problem is?" I said as my anger build up.

"Jerome is going to be a mother." He said.

I grabed him and pushed him in his friends cell. I stormed out of the door and into my master's room.


"Look I know. And I'm sorry. But I got some info from that robot guy." I said. 

"Go on," He said intrested.

Mitch's P.O.V

It has been 3 weeks since the battle and Ty in that coma, and three week Jerome is pregent.  Just everything seems to happen so fast. "Biggums?"

I turn my head around to see Jerome looking at my pain in his eye's. It hurts to see my bacca like this.

"What is it my little bacca?" I said to him.

"You where zoned out again. Is everything all right?"

"Just to much happend and you becoming a mother is just a little to much don't you think?"

"Yea it does. But I feel bad for Sky watching us beign together. He is heart broken when ever he see's us or any couple in this house hold." Jerome said and he cuddle closer to me.

"I know it's hard to see him like this but the main problem is  when are we going to tell them about you becoming a mother."

"I never thought about that." Jerome said sadly.

"Don't worry we will find a way somehow okay?" I said as i put my hand on his stomuch.

"Hmm yea we will."

"But for now relax we all need it."

We all need relax ecpicall Sky if he calm's down and know that Ty will be all right. We all hope he is.

Ty's P.O.V

Darkness is all you see. I have been stuck in this darkness for I don't know how long. Every time I hear Sky talking to my lifeless body on how much he wants me back. I want to be back to, I want to be with my love of my life. It's hard to see him in pain. Sigh I guess I should just hope and wait until or if I can wake up. 

I look up and I see something in the distance. I looks like a white light. Should I run to it or does this mean the end for me. All I know is that I run to as it kept getting closer and closer all i could see was a flash and before you know it.........

Hey everyone I'm back and ready to write again. I know, I know.... It has been 2 months of me not writing another chapter. Just massive writers block and forgot my story and all so i had to re read it and get ideas back. Well I hope you like this chapter and another one is going to be soon up. So yea that is about it. Cya my friends for now.

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