2. The Truth~ Jangmi

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I looked at my father and I'd never seen so much anger in his eyes. All this time I've been lying and telling them I would go to a University when really I had planned on going to work on my singing career to fulfill my long-awaited dream.

"Is what I'm hearing true, Jangmi?" He spoke so calmly my body gave and involuntary shiver.

"Appa, I-" I swallowed trying to hold back my tears, "I want to become a singer Appa." My mom gave a large gasp as she registered what I just said.

My father's voice grew as he spoke, "I forbid you to go on with these frivolous dreams of becoming an Idol. When will you realize reality Jangmi."

I rose out of my seat in disbelief, "Why can't I become an Idol! It's not like I haven't spent my entire life trying to become good enough to do this."

"There is no earnest work with being an Idol and what are your plans should your dreams fail." My father was now out of his seat too, his voice laced with rage and worry.

"My dreams won't fail. Why are you so insistent on trying to stop me."

"Jangmi." I could hear the warning in his voice but I didn't care anymore.

"Are you afraid I'm going to leave you just like halmeoni did!" The minute the sentence left my lips a harsh sting spread across my cheek. I was shocked, not with just what I said but that my father hit me too.

His face was a bright red as his voice roared in the room, "You are going to college and that's finally! I forbid you to do anything with music."

By now the tears were freely falling from my face. I turned and ran out the house leaving them behind, calling my name.

~Later that night~ 

I don't remember when I stopped running or when my name was no longer able to be heard. All I knew was that it was cold and I wished I grabbed my scarf. The tears dried to my cheeks as I sat on a park bench silently watching the cars drift by. Everything that I worked for was going down the drain and I couldn't stop it. All the hours I spent singing and practicing my dancing were wasted. I'd wanted this so bad, more than anything... and now it could never be mine.

I blinked the tears that had surfaced away. This was going to be the last time I would probably get the chance to openly express myself. I knew once I stepped back in that house everything would be different. So I did the only thing i could do in this moment... I sung.

Yeah, stop, stop. Those wings will get wet oh, stop, stop

In the gap between a deepening day you come slowly
The darkness skims by and wakes me up
And across the open window receding away

Have you, you, you lost your way again
The night air is still cold, get up
So, baby, hold on I'm worried of leaving you alone
I leave the road and follow behind you

(Moonlight : EXO)

I sung like there was no tomorrow... because there wasn't. I poured everything out. The pain and the disappointment, the anger that bubbled inside, and the hopelessness I felt. I couldn't stop it felt like my voice was a dam that was broken and continuously flowed from my mouth. I dragged out every possible note  just wanting the song to be longer. My body moved on it's own as I danced to the beat of my own time. Each step more precious than the one before. Until finally I finished. When I opened my eyes there was a small crowd of people. I hadn't realized they were there until the applause. Some had camera's flashing others had stunned faces. I blushed a deep red and bowed politely. It felt like I had finally landed from flying high above the clouds, touching the stars and bathing in moonlight. 

The crowd dispersed as quickly as they had come and the chill was starting to numb my fingers. With a small ache in my heart I headed home. What awaited me when I arrived was far from beyond my imagination. I only knew that the feeling and memories I had of singing wouldn't die. If anything it would push my dream further than before. This time would be different.

The sky was speckled with the soft glow of stars and clouds. As I looked up I saw A shooting star shoot by. As childish as it may seem I made a wish on that very star. If the wish would come true, we would have to wait and see.

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