Chapter 4

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Jayfeather and Briarlight walked in silence through the woods. Crickets chirped around them, and with each step, Jayfeather felt more and more excited.

I'm going to have a new stick! Jayfeather thought, swallowing a purr.

He walked slowly, getting less and less familiar with his surroundings. He stuck out his whiskers to feel for anything he might run into. Briarlight was panting beside him, going as fast as she could with her front two paws.

"We'll rest once we're at the edge of the forest." Jayfeather promised, "I don't want cats from other clans to see us and get suspicious."

"Good idea." Briarlight meowed between pants of exhaustion.

They continued walking through the dark woods, the moon casting eerie shadows and bathing their pelts with silver. Jayfeather let Briarlight guide him, since she could actually see. Jayfeather kept his nose lifted, cautiously pausing here and there to scent for cats. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they arrived at the edge of the woods. They were overlooking a large stretch of land, followed by pastures and Twolegplaces. Beyond the Twolegplaces were the mountains.

"Not enough trees." Briarlight commented, though there was a tinge of excitement in her mew, "I've never been to the mountains before."

Let's just hope we don't get snatched by an eagle, Jayfeather thought, then pushed the terrible thought to the back of his mind.

"Are we going to the mountains?" Briarlight asked curiously.

"Yes. Now let's take shelter so that we can get up early to start traveling." Jayfeather replied.

They started heading towards a hollowed out tree when suddenly Jayfeather got a feeling that they were being watched. He opened his jaws, tasting the air and suddenly caught a familiar scent that made him freeze.

"Briarlight!" he hissed in a whisper, "Something's following us."

Briarlight tensed beside him and stood still, quivering nervously.

Suddenly the bushes ahead of them rustled and a cream colored she-cat slid out casually.

"Hi, Jayfeather." Dawnpelt's voice came, and Jayfeather wondered if he was having a nightmare.

Jayfeather's mind swirled in confusion and he sub-consciously felt Briarlight press into him, still quivering.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, feeling dazed.

"Following you." She meowed, her voice cold.

"Why?" he asked, narrowing his eyes and bushing out his fur.

"Starclan told me to." She said simply with a little shrug.

"Really?" Jayfeather growled unbelievingly.

"Yes. I have to travel with you to the Tribe Of Rushing Water."

Jayfeather felt shock pulse through him. Starclan really must have told her to! But why?

"So." Dawnpelt meowed, her tail thumping the ground, "Will you take me? Or just ignore Starclan?"

Jayfeather felt irritation race through him, but knew he couldn't ignore Starclan. I have to take her.

"I guess," he growled reluctantly, a chill suddenly running through him. This felt wrong.

"Good." Dawnpelt replied, sounding satisfied.

"Now let's take shelter in that hollowed tree." Jayfeather meowed cooly, heading towards it.

Briarlight caught up to him, clearly trying to stay away from Dawnpelt. Dawnpelt trailed in the back, and Jayfeather felt fear prickle his spine. Could he trust this Shadowclan warrior, or was he making the wrong decision? Jayfeather curled up into the hollowed tree and felt Briarlight curl beside him, her pelt slightly brushing his.

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