Chapter 7

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"Nice catch!" Jayfeather exclaimed as Ginger dropped down to them from a pine tree.

"How do you know? I thought you were blind." Ginger sounded not mocking, but confused.

"I could hear where you went. And smell." he replied, feeling amused with Ginger's confusion.

The three cats bit into the squirrel, thankful for how plump it was at this time of winter. When they had finished, they continued walking towards the cave in the distance, behind a beautiful waterfall. The sun had finally come out, making the snow so bright they could barely look at it. It wasn't very warm, but it was still melting the snow gradually. Jayfeather hissed as a big pile of snow dropped onto him from a tree and the others tried to hide their laughter. Finally, they reached the cave where two cats were guarding the entrance.

"Who are you?" asked one of the cats, eyes slitted suspiciously.

"We're clan cats." Jayfeather explained, "We've come to visit the tribe."

Both of the cats' eyes sparked immediately with excitement.

"We've heard about you. Follow us." said the other cat.

They followed the cave guards behind the rushing waterfall and into the dark cave. It was much warmer in the cave and when they entered, whispers broke out among the tribe cats.

"Jayfeather? Is that you?" a voice called above the crowd.

A thin brown cat pushed his way through the tribe and stood in front of the clan cats.

"Crag Where Eagles Nest." Jayfeather recognized him.

"I'm Teller Of The Pointed Stones now." Stoneteller reminded him, dipping his head, "Why have you come here?"

"One of the ancient cats has told me to come to the Cave Of Pointed Stones." Jayfeather replied.

Stoneteller padded off, and Jayfeather guessed that meant to follow him. He padded into a dark tunnel, his light paw steps echoing.

Stoneteller stopped and Jayfeather stood beside him.

"What do you need to do?" he asked.

"Is there a stick in here?" Jayfeather asked eagerly.

Stoneteller paused. "Yes, actually. Night Of No Stars found it and thought it was special, so he brought it to me. I kept it here in this cave to keep it safe, though I'm not sure what's special about it."

Stoneteller dropped a stick at Jayfeather's paws and Jayfeather picked it up in his teeth immediately.

"Thank you, Stoneteller." he meowed gratefully, "Does the tribe need any help?"

"No." Stoneteller replied, "It has been a cold winter, but nothing has put us in danger."

Stoneteller led Jayfeather out of the Cave Of Pointed Stones, and they said their goodbyes to the tribe cats. They began to head back through the snow- blanketed mountains. The snow was now only a thin sheet of slush under their paws now, and the sun was finally warming the woods.

"That was a really short trip." Briarlight commented, eyeing the stick between Jayfeather's jaws, "What's that stick for?"

"I can visit the tribe's ancestors through it." Jayfeather decided to tell them the truth.

"That's what we traveled all this way for?" Dawnpelt's meow was unbelieving, "Just for a stick? Why did Starclan want me to come, then?"

Jayfeather was deep in thought, and guessed it was so that Dawnpelt would realize he wasn't a murderer. But he didn't mention that out loud.

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