Chapter 3

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Jayfeather heard a cat bound up to him.

"What happened, Jayfeather?" Dovewing's meow came, "I was all the way at the other side of the forest when I heard cats screeching. My senses still work!"

"Nothing." Jayfeather waved his tail dismissively, "Just a dog attack."

"You weren't the only one there, were you?"

"No... Flametail and Tigerheart were there." He meowed, his voice starting to shake.

"Is something wrong?" Dovewing meowed, sounding nervous.

"Tigerheart... was killed." He stuttered, swallowing hard.

Dovewing went silent. It felt like the silence would never end, but then she finally spoke.

"What?" her mew came out as a tiny whisper.

The guilt that Jayfeather felt was too overwhelming to control. He felt responsible for his death. He continued walking to camp, and he heard Dovewing plodding behind him. When he entered camp, he headed for the medicine den when Lionblaze stopped him.

"What-" Lionblaze got cut off as Jayfeather slapped his tail across his mouth.

Jayfeather padded into the medicine den and curled in his nest, thoughts swirling out of control. He sensed Briarlight was near the herb store, but she stayed quiet. Jayfeather felt exhaustion drag him to sleep.


"Jayfeather. Jayfeather, wake up."

Jayfeather opened his eyes to feel Briarlight prodding him gently.

"What?" he asked impatiently.

"Shadowclan cats have entered the camp to speak with Bramblestar." She meowed.

Jayfeather stood immediately, horror crashing through him. He dashed out of his den, and raced to the clearing. He stood in a crowd of cats who had formed around the Shadowclan cats and Bramblestar.

"We have come to report a murder that has happened." Rowanstar said, and Thunderclan cats gasped in surprise.

Bramblestar narrowed his eyes. "None of my cats are murderers." he said coldly.

"Dawnpelt witnessed it." Rowanstar replied, flicking his tail to Dawnpelt, "One of your cats has killed Tigerheart."

Thunderclan went dead silent. Cats looked at each other with suspicion.

"Who?" Bramblestar broke the silence.

"Jayfeather." Rowanstar hissed, "This is the second time he's been accused, which means he's most likely not innocent."

Jayfeather flattened himself to the ground, feeling eyes burning into his pelt. He noticed Briarlight stiffen beside him.

"Is this true Jayfeather?" Bramblestar sounded disbelieving.

"N-no." He meowed, feeling hot with embarrassment, "I was only trying to help him escape the dog attack."

"Dawnpelt said you pinned him down and clawed his throat!" Rowanstar growled, "That's not helping him escape!"

Cats murmured amongst themselves, sounding full of disbelief.

"Everyone should know by now that Jayfeather is not a murderer!" Lionblaze's yelled over the voices, "Of course he was only trying to save him! Just like he did with Flametail!"

Yowls of agreement rang through the camp, and Jayfeather felt relief wash over him at how much support he had.

"Dawnpelt's just lying again!" Jayfeather was surprised to hear Berrynose exclaim.

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