25 - Flappy Bird & Wal-Mart

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Chapter Theme: Help Me Lose My Mind (SOHN Remix) - Disclosure, London Grammar


I lost myself in some ridiculous game on my phone while I waited for Tyler in the car. He'd been gone for almost ten minutes and I was beginning to worry that he might have gotten lost. It was just makeup for fucks sake.

The parking lot was relatively empty, so I'm sure there wouldn't be many customers. I contemplated whether or not I should go in and help, but with my luck, he would be checking out as soon as I walked in. And with how stubborn Tyler is, I would just be in his way if I tried to help.

"Dammit! Stupid bird game, what the fuck is taking him so long!?" I hit the dash of his car with my fist, immediately feeling bad about it.

I rested my head back on the seat and watched the store's entrance as if Ty would walk out any second. The longer I stared the heavier my eyelids felt, who knew waiting could be so exhausting? Eventually I gave in and let my eyes rest for a bit.

"TROYE WAKE UP HURRY IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" I sat up fast and brought my fists up ready to fight off anyone or thing that had woke me up. Tyler's cackle filled the car and I felt like punching his shoulder for scaring me.

"Fuck you, Tilly." I relaxed and pulled down the sun visor to look in the mirror.

"I mean if you really want to, but we should make it quick. We've already taken too long here." I glared at him but he was already busy going through the bag of makeup products and reading the directions on some cream.

"It's your fault for taking so fucking long to get makeup!" He stopped reading and looked up at me.

"I ran into a couple of familiar faces. Well, the first one kind of came up to me on his own, unfortunately." There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice, which was kind of unheard of with Tyler.

"Who was it?" I fumbled with the phone in my hands while I waited for his answer.

"Our beach buddy, he goes by Dan, apparently. He works here and-"

"Daniel works here, too?!" Tyler gave me a questioning look and I snapped my mouth shut, immediately realizing my mistake. I wasn't supposed to know his name, much less that he had another job. I started sputtering out excuses to try and save myself.

"I- I uh... he sort of introduced himself at the beach when you disappeared." Tyler only raised his eyebrows and remained annoyingly quiet. I just wanted to forget that Daniel even existed at this point, my life would be so much easier right now. "Daniel was just worried about me, I think. He'd seen me fall and wanted to make sure I was okay. But I was quite rude to him and- wait. He came up to you? But why?" Tyler shrugged and put the car in gear. It was obvious that he was peeved about me not telling him about speaking with Daniel, but I guess he didn't want to start any more drama. I felt bad, but at the same time I was grateful. We didn't need any stress on our newly formed relationship.

"They both have YouTube channels, Dan and Phil. Philip, from last night, also works at CVS. They're roommates, apparently. Working here for the summer to pay for an apartment back in London." Tyler shifted in his seat but kept his eyes on the road as he pulled a crumbled piece of paper from his pocket. "That's what took me so long, Phil and I talked while I shopped and then... yeah. I didn't mean to be that long, sorry." He glanced over at me and smiled apologetically. He was avoiding my question, though. I guess whatever happened with Dan was something he wasn't happy with.

"No, it's fine. I should have told you about Dan, I just wanted last night to be perfect and drama free." We drove in silence until we came to a stop light. I'd been staring out my window when Tyler grabbed my hand and squeezed, making me look at him.

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