10 - Subway Sandwiches & Drunken Confessions

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Chapter Theme: Misery - Maroon 5


The rest of my day seemed to fly by. And I was grateful because if I hadn't been busy I would have been thinking about how much I did not want to go to that party tonight. I know I don't have to actually go to the party, but I could tell that Tyler was excited for it. If I was to not go he probably wouldn't go, either, and I didn't want to keep him from having fun.

I was back in the room a little after four, Tyler said he wouldn't be done until almost five so I guess I could wait. Around 4:40ish Joey texted asking if I wanted to go get something from Subway. He assure me that we wouldn't be long because he was wanting to go to the party as well. I left Tyler a note to let him know that I was with Joey and would be back soon so that we could get ready together.

I'm glad that I agreed to go with Joey, hanging with him was actually really fun. We talked about the most random things and even came up with a collab that we wanted to do, eventually. When it was nearly six I mentioned that we should get back to the hotel. I didn't say why I wanted to get back, I was afraid of being interrogated by him about how Tyler was treating me and such. I know everyone was just looking out for me, but I could handle Tyler. If anything, they should be worried about how I treat him.

When I got back to the room Tyler was no where to be found. He must have gone to get dinner, I guess. I waited to text him until it was half past seven. Surely he hadn't forgotten about what he said earlier, had he?

Troye: where are you?

If he isn't back within the next hour I'm just not going. Honestly, I would much rather just change into pajamas and watch a movie or something. Why does Tyler have to be such a damn socialite? But I'm afraid if we end up staying in he'll corner me into talking, and I"m just not ready. Tomorrow is our last night here, I won't have any excuses left, then. But after he finally gets to apologize, then what? Will we go back to being just friends? He did ask if I would go out with him one night when we're in L.A., but he probably meant it in a friendly way. I'm in love with him, but I had no clue of his feelings toward me. The sound of Tyler's ringtone going off interrupted my thoughts. I let the phone sit there for a couple of rings, he could have said where he was before now.

"Hello?" I winced at the irritation in my voice. Why was I getting so worked up?

"Troye? I'm walking down the hallway and I just realized that I left the room key inside the room. Are you in there by any chance?" I sighed heavily, why did I always have to be the responsible one?

"Yeah, I'm in. I'll meet you at the door." I hung up the phone before waiting to see if he had anything left to say. I remained on the couch for about a minute before going to open the door to reveal a puzzled looking Tyler. He took in a breath as if he was about to say something but I turned around and walked to the bedroom before he could start speaking.

"Could you have walked slower to open the door?" He yelled from behind me. He picked the wrong time to start trying to mess with me.

"Oh, excuse me, I am so sorry to have kept you waiting at the door for a few seconds. But while we're on the subject of waiting for each other. Where the hell have you been? I was literally gone for only forty-five minutes and rushed back here to see you! But you were no where to be found, no note, nothing. You could have at least texted me, or something! We were supposed to get ready together to go to some stupid party that I don't even want to go to!"

"The fuck, Troye? I was MESSING with you about the door, but it seems like you have your panties in a bunch. I shouldn't have to explain my whereabouts to you, but since you're SO concerned I guess I'll let you know. When I came back to the room and read your note about going off with Joey I decided to take Marcus up on his offer to go out to eat." Marcus? Of everyone he could have gone out with he went with him? I'm not one to get jealous, but it was something about Marcus, I felt threatened by him when it came to Tyler's affection.

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