Chapter 9 : Following the river

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Silver p.o.v.

I was upset. I felt horrible. I messed up and I knew it. I was being rude to Alice, just because she defeated me.

Now that I think of it..that's childish really.  But I'm always rude to people...I don't open up to people  really fast, but Alice did to me, that night at the ferris wheel.

I was raised this way, my father.. whatever, forget it.

I started walking towards the Pokemon center, the sun rays shining onto my face.

I just hoped Alice would be back already, it's been a while since our conversation.

I continued walking for a while until I saw the Pokemon center in front of me. I saw that White was calling someone with her pokegear.

I walked over to her and looked at her, wondering what was going on. She looked at me and had a worried expression on her face. Something tells me that this isn't going to turn out well..

"Pick up already..." White mumbled.

"What's going on?" I sighed.

White looked up.

We heard three 'peep' sounds and White put her pokegear in her pocket.

"Well...?" I started.

"Alice hasn't come back, she isn't picking up her phone either" White said.

My whole body could sense it, she was in trouble, maybe someone found her?

I grabbed White's hand and hurried over to the store's building.

"Where are you going!?" White asked.

I didn't answer.

We didn't stop running until we reached the store's building.

I went inside and let go of White's hand. "Sir, have you seen a girl with a hoodie on?"

The store's co-worker turned around to face me.

"I saw a girl, she ran towards that route, where the Deerlings are"

He said pointing to a certain direction. 

"Thank you sir!" I said and ran out of the store towards the route the worker showed us.

"Wait you stupid!" White shouted while trying to catch up with me.

I stopped running and looked around. I had no clue where Alice went. I sighed.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" White asked, a frustrated facial expression showing on her face.

"Heck, how should I know!? If I knew where she was I would've found her already but that's totally not the case as you see! Nothing happened, alright?" I answered in frustration.

"Dude, you calm down, we'll find her." White said.

I sat down and took my pokegear out. "What are YOU going to do?" White said while glaring at me.

"What do you think?" I answered.

This girl was pissing me of. I typed Alice's number in and waited for her to pick up.

One peep, two peeps, three.. After the tenth peep I put my pokegear back in my pocket.

"She is obviously not picking up, something is wrong" White stated worriedly.

I leaned against a tree and my face expression stayed the same. White mumbled something and sat down a little bit further away.

"Excuse me kids!" An old woman said while walking towards us.

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