Chapter 24: Team Rocket strikes

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Silver p.o.v.

Giovanni is out of prison...And he's at work again.

That thought kept rambling in my mind.

Why did I have to be his son? It isn't fair, why? Why? His bad reputation affects my future. I want to make my own choices, choices that aren't affected by him. But that's impossible. How will I be able to love somebody?  People judge me. That's why I'm so rude most of the time. The truth is, I have had enough of bein hurt, so I kept my emotions and feelings to myself.

But that changed. The day I met Alice in Chargestone Cave...That day was the start of a journey. A journey to remember. She didn't know me. She couldn't judge me on who's son I was. She accepted Silver. Even when I tended to give up,she never left my side. Our friendship is unbreakable, same with White.

But...My friendship with Alice. Do I really look at her that way? To be honest, no. I think I finally came to love somebody. And she started acting different as well. I have to tell her. I have to tell her before I won't have the chance to anymore.

I smiled to myself. It's been a long time since the last time I had smiled.

Alice p.o.v.

A few days passed, two weeks probably. I have trained every day. I have mastered the blue flame. I'm ready. Ready to take on the fight.

Silver... NO! FOCUS.

I facepalmed.

I decided to go to White's room and talk to her. It's been a while since we could really talk to each other-without Silver, I mean.

I walked out of my room and took the stairs. The stairs led me to another hall with doors. I knew wich one it was. I knocked on a wooden door a bit further in the hall.

"Come in!" White's voice answered.

I opened the door and entered her room.

It was basic and simple, not really special. White had given it a personal twist though, one of the walls was covered in posters with pokemon on them. It looked very nice and colourful this way.

"Hey Alice" She said and smiled.

"Hey" I said and returned the smile. I then sat down on her fluffy carpet.

She was sitting behind a desk,  but when she saw the fluffy carpet she decided to sit on it as well, in front of me.

"What is it?" She said, knowing something was going on.

"Promise not to make me feel like a fool when I tell you this" I said, trying to sound less nervous.

"Promise" She said and gave me the "I think I know" look.

That look was creepy! Trust me.

"I like Silver" The words came rolling out of my mouth before I could progress it.

"I KNEW IT I KNEW IT FROM THE VERY START HA!!!" She suddenly said, pointing a finger at me and laughing.

"W-what? Huh?" I looked at her with an utterly confused look.

"Remember? The first day of our journey? I said something in that direction and both of you blushed fiercely!" She said, giving me the look again.

I facepalmed. "I remember. White, you're creeping me out. You predicted my future crush that day" I said, staring at her with a shocked look on my face.

"Pretty much" She said proudly.

I chuckled. White was a good friend. My best friend. I could tell her anything and she could tell me anything. We wouldn't judge each other or anything.

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