Chapter 16: Reshiram's Legend

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Silver p.o.v.

We finally arrived at Accumula town, I was actually kinda glad we could enjoy being somewhere, instead of being on the move all the time. Wait, did I really just think that?

Alice and White got off their pokemon's backs and looked around.

"My house is right over there!" White said excitedly, pointing towards a nice wooden house, a little further away from us, we were standing next to Professor Juniper's lab.

"Awesome!" Alice said excitedly, and they both ran towards the house at full speed.

White arrived there first, she grew up here, she did this a bunch of times already back then, I think.

"Why all the racing?" I shouted after them. I really don't understand those two..

"Ha! You're slow Silv!!!" Alice shouted from a distance.

I just shrugged annoyed and started walking towards the wooden house.

After I arrived Alice started annoying me.

"You,were,slow!" Alice smirked, poking me in the shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" I said in a high annoyed tone.

"Whatever" Alice said, smirking.

"That's my thing!" I said, poking her in the shoulder this time.

"W-h-a-t-e-v-e-r" Alice said, spelling my signature word.

"You're annoying" I said.

"So are you" She answered, poking me once again before all three of us went inside White's house.

White p.o.v.

The moment I came in, my mom embraced me in a hug. I had missed her a lot.

"White sweetie! You're back" My mom said happily.

"Yeah, but just for a while though. Oh yes! These are my friends, Alice, and Silver the grumpy dude" I said, making my mom laugh.

Silver just rolled his eyes and shrugged it off.

Alice on the other hand, happily shook hands with my mom.

"Nice to meet both of you, make yourselves at home sweethearts! Are you guys staying the night?"

I turned to face my friends and they both nodded.

"Yes we will stay for one night mom"

I said.

"Marvelous! I will prepare two rooms, one for Silver and one for Alice, and White, you will sleep in your old room" With that said, she turned around and went upstairs.

"So..what do you guys want to do?" I asked them, looking around in the room as memories came flowing back into my mind.

"Well, we came here for relaxation, so no big activities" Alice said.

Silver just shrugged.

" about, we go upstairs and I will show you guys my old room?" I said, turning around and heading upstairs.

"Yeah, sure!" Alice said, following me close behind.

Silver again just shrugged and followed us upstairs.

"So, this is my room people" I laughed, opening the door to my room.

Alice p.o.v.

White's room looked like an ordinairy room, it had a bit more accents to it, like maps of Unova and such.

I looked around and a little statue cought my eye.

I walked towards it and looked at it, something popping into my mind.

It was a statue of Reshiram, one of Unova's legendary pokemon.

"Um. How long are you planning to keep staring at that statue Alice?" Silver grumbled.

I just shot him a sarcastic grin.

White sat down on her bed and cuddled a plush that layed on there, it was a Snivy plush.

"Anything interesting you guys wanted to say or tell or whatever? Boredom is striking me" White laughed.

"Nothing at the moment" I said.

"Hmph" Silver answered.

"Alright then..Have you guys heard about a that one Unova legend?" White said.

"Wich one do you mean?" I said, looking at the Unova map on her wall.

"The one about Reshiram" She said, putting down the Snivy plush.

"No idea, tell me" I said excitedly.

"Alright then!" She answered.

Silver sat down on the floor, looking at some pokemon magazines.

"Okay, then.

One day, Reshiram flew around Unova. He found this girl, she looked like she was attacked by something or someone, she was on the edge of death. So Reshiram, took her with him and took care of her. Until one day, she suddenly dissapeared out of nowhere, a few days later in the morning. Reshiram's power, well a huge part of it was gone, together with this girl. Reshiram gave the girl a part of his power, so she would stay alive. Many years passed, Reshirams power was passed on to different people because the girl didn't need it anymore. It is said that Reshiram's powers didn't dissapear but the powers he gave the girl were passed on for generations, Reshirams power picks people for a certain reason so they can achieve something, possibly"  White finally finished.

"Wow" I said

Silver turned over a page of one of the magazines.

"Maybe..just maybe, is that why I have this fire ability?" I asked.

"It is possible, but keep in mind that this is just a legend going around" White answered.

"Am I the only one? Or are there several people with this Ability?" I asked,  many thoughts going through my mind at the time.

"No idea, but in the legend it says that it was passed on to 'people' so it is highly possible. But..don't get your hopes up! You don't even know if this is true" White finished her sentence.

Silver put down his magazine and looked at us.

"It sounds logical. I mean, it was passed on, I just don't get for what reason people get it passed on to them.. It could be anyone, in fact, Alice might be one of these people" Silver said.

"Yeah.." I mumbled.

But for what reason I wonder.. All my thinking was literally giving me a head ache.

"WHITE ALICE SILVER GRUMPY DUDE, DINNER TIME!" White's mom called us for dinner.

"COMING MOM!" White answered.

"I'll get you back for that one White" Silver groaned, walking out of White's room, followed by White and I.

We ate dinner, and all went up to our rooms after we ate the delicious pizza White's mom had made for us.

I turned off the lights in the room I was staying in, and tried to sleep. My arm hurt..

After a few hours of turning around in my bed, I finally fell asleep peacefully.


Hi everyone! :D

It's finally up XD I'm sorry it took so long, school has been keeping me very busy and I've barely had time to write a proper chapter for all of you readers.

Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 6K+ READS! I was freaking out. :0 ^0^

I don't know when I'll upload another chapter, it might take some time because I'm going on camp with my school in a few weeks, and schoolwork basically. And I need time to plan everything out.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote+comment if you did like it, and I'll talk to you later, byee~ Rainy :3

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