Chapter 11: Trapped

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Alice p.o.v.

It was getting dark. It was a better idea to maybe rest, and then go after team Rocket.

"It's better if we rest for a while, we can hunt them down later, we already know where they are hiding" I said on a tired tone.

"Good idea, I could use some rest" White sighed.

"Whatever, as long as we keep on track it's fine" Silver stated.

I told Charizard to land somewhere safe, next to a route or a forest or something.

Charizard flew down and landed on a route nearby. We all got off of his back and started laying down blankets and such.

"We don't have a tent" Silver chuckled.

"I see that! But who says that we need one, all three of us can sleep underneath the starry sky right?"

I answered looking up at the sky in awe.

All three of us layed down on our own blanket, we wouldn't stay here for long, just to rest for a while.

I layed on my back and looked at the sky.

I saw that White was already asleep, Silver was wide awake, was something bothering him?

"Hey, okay?" I asked him while sitting down next to him.

"I'm fine, what are you talking about?" He answered and looked away.

"Just wondering, you were so quiet today you know" I stated.

"I was thinking about...things" He said, still not looking at me.

"What things then?" I asked trying to find out what he was thinking.

"About team Rocket, about us, everything actually" He answered.

"" I asked looking away.

He looked at me.

"Oh uhum ehe..Not like that!! I mean like the traveling with You and White ya know.." He said while chuckling.

"Yeah..alright" I said poking him with my elbow.

"What was that for?" He said while smirking.

"For nothing, Goodnight Silver" I said while ruffling his hair.

Silver p.o.v.

"Would you stop that?" I said while looking looking at Alice.

But she was asleep already. Her head was leaning on my shoulder.

I took her blanket and wrapped it around her, and took my own as well, it was kinda cold..

I fell asleep shortly after.

I was sleeping and didn't notice that my head was resting on hers.


The next morning.

Alice p.o.v.

I remembered, I must've fallen asleep yesterday.

I saw that Silver and White were awake, and ready to travel again.

I looked at Silver and blushed.

"Let's go guys, no time to waste"

With that, all three of us sat down on Charizards back and we took off to Icirrus city.

Once we finally arrived, I decided to go to the pokemon center and get a few pokemon out of my p.o. box, just to be safe.

I walked into the pokemon center and took two pokemon out of my

"You guys need to help me out here!" I said while taking out Samurotts pokeball. I also took Braviary's pokeball out.

I left the pokemon center and immidiately saw what was wrong.

The whole city was surrounded in purple smoke, I had trouble seeing through it.

Where were Silver and White?

I put the pokeballs in my bag and put the hoodie over my head.

I ran through the smoke, finding White and Silver standing next to a house.

"Guys, let's go! They are here, the pokemon gym was taken over!" White said.

"Then where is the gym leader?" I asked.

"I'm afraid he is in the building too!" White said, while looking around nervously.

"Let's go and find out" Silver said.

We ran towards the pokemon gym and went in.

A huge metallic door closed behind us, meaning we were trapped in here.

"We're trapped!" I shrieked.

"I don't see any grunts in here.." White said while looking around, not letting her guard down.

"Well they are obviously here so let's go"

Silver said while walking straight ahead.

We heard a loud crack noise coming from somewhere else in the building.

"What was that!?"

White asked.

We walked further, the gym was cold since the gym leader; Brycen was an ice type gym leader.

Before we could react, three huge cages fell down from the ceiling and trapped us inside them.

"I knew it! It was too quiet in here anyway" Silver said annoyed.

"You haven't come that far, I expected better results from you"

A strange voice said.

"Who are you? Get us out of here now!" Silver demanded.

"Show yourself!" White shouted.

The unknown person stepped out of the shadows.

In front of me, was my own father, the father that joined team Rocket when I was ten years old.

"It's been a while, my beloved daughter" He stated, evil showing in his eyes.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I tried to make it long XD I had a bunch of inspiration and ideas in mind for this chapter and the upcoming ones :D Hope I got you excited! See ya later! ~Rainy :3

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