Part 49

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*Two Days Later*

After breakfast Riley and I run upstairs to gather our stuff and Josh places them in the trunk for us.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye..for now. Thank you guys for everything." Riley hugs her grandparents. Her grandma was getting a little teary, she never likes to see anyone go, even me. When it's my turn to hug her grandparents, Riley's grandma hands me a small pink gift bag.

"No, I can't-" I say before she hands it to me. She shakes her head and gives me a look and I just take it. I open it, seeing a beautiful crotched blanket for Evie. It was multicolored and has a pastel theme to it, which I knew would go perfect with her new room. I jumped excitedly and gave Riley's grandma a hug and kiss in the cheek. "I love it! Oh gosh, she's going to love it too!"

"Bring her by next time," Riley's grandma urges, and I nod telling her I will. Hopefully for next thanksgiving we can all come again.

Josh steps in and says goodbye to his parents and soon we are on our way to New York. I sit in the back, looking out the window while Riley and Josh chatted in the front seats. I couldn't wait to get home, I missed my nerd and my daughter terribly. I thought of them constantly, and at night it was hard to fall asleep without Evie.

Farkle called frequently, and I had to assure him everything was fine. I knew he was worried about Josh, but now that the record is set straight he can hopefully see there's nothing going on here.

"Maya!" Someone exclaims, and I feel hands shake me awake. "Get up! We're home!"

I open my eyes and look to see Riley and that we are in the apartment building where I used to live. I rub my eyes a bit then hop down, looking for my luggage. I was growing a bit nervous because I hadn't told Riley that I moved away and was living with Farkle. I just didn't want it to affect her decision about coming home, so I didn't say anything. And now she's home and I hope she won't hate me...

"Um, Riles..." I begin. "I-"


Riley and I turn to see Auggie running over towards us, and hugging Riley's legs. She picks him up and spins him as she gives him a big hug.

"Hey, Auggs! I missed 'ya!" Riley can't stop hugging him even minutes after. She looked like she wanted to cry but held it in so Auggie wouldn't see.

"We're so happy you're back, honey!" Topanga exclaims and embraces her daughter for the first time in two weeks. Corey looked relieved to have his daughter back and I knew it was because he had thought she was with Lucas this whole time..Little did he know..

"I'm happy to be back, mom. I missed you all so much!" Riley let's a couple tears fall but cleans them up right away. I give her a small smile and a thumbs up for her effort to stay strong for her family.

I was proud of my best friend.


"Perfect!" I say as I hung up the last framed photo for Everly's room. She bounced happily on the ground as she saw me clap. She tried to clap, but couldn't do so, so she giggled instead. I set the hammer down and picked her up, admiring the finished nursery.

"Do you like your bedroom, sweetie?" I ask as I tickle her tummy and she laughs happily. I set he down so she can play with her toys and turn over as she likes. She starts to prop herself up a bit like she's going to crawl but just stays like that. I guess she can't figure out how to crawl yet.

I begin to pick up around the room a bit, and doing away with garbage. Some minutes later I rummage through Evie's closet to pick out a cute outfit for the day since her mom will be home hopefully soon. I smiled just thinking about seeing Maya again. Even though she was only away for two days I felt like she was gone forever.

"Come on, let's get you in the bath." I say to Everly and unclothed her from her pijamas and carried her over to the bathroom where I had the small pink tub set up. I run trough the usual routine then change her into this:

Her little shirt said "Dudette" and I found it surprising that I had a shirt that said "Dude" on, so I put it on without a second thought

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Her little shirt said "Dudette" and I found it surprising that I had a shirt that said "Dude" on, so I put it on without a second thought. Everly was picking at her shoes constantly, trying to take them off, but I gave her a toy to keep her hands busy as I prepared some breakfast. She was sure chewing on everything nowadays, and I'm pretty sure it's because her bottom teeth are coming in. I checked the fridge for milk, but realize Maya's supply had gone out. I sighed in defeat as my daughter began to cry because she was hungry.

"Okay! Okay! Plan B it is then." I grabbed a small tiny piece of pancake and placed it in her mouth. She stopped crying, and began to chew on the food. I smiled triumphantly and clashed our hands together in a high five. I kept feeding her and it's not like I had a choice, she began to open her mouth for me to feed her and grasped my hand when I didn't.

An hour or so later all was quiet and peaceful because Everly had gone to bed. I found it so cute that she clung to a small moon pillow as she slept.

A call from an unknown number interrupted my thoughts I avoided it again. That number had been calling for days, but it wasn't one I recognized so I hit decline every time. I took the liberty to look up the area code and realized it was from Canada. Only one person I know is from Canada....

"Farkle!" I dropped my phone as I gasped, turning to see someone I didn't expect to see... "I need to talk to you..."

Hello, Dudes and Dudettes!

This chapter is kind of a filler, and I can promise the next two chapters will be surprising ;) Can we just stop and appreciate how cute Evie is ???! #FarkleandMayahavemybabies!!!

Comment down below who you think was calling Farkle and who came over ? :))

Until next time <3..

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