Sorry about the delays

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I know there is no excuse. charter is working on my internet to get it up so very soon I will have it.  I have been having a lot going on again and I was wondering if any of you wanted to chat. I created a discord server for us to  chat on if so, here is the link  my username is StayAwayFromShadows. I am typically on if any want to chat. I have been having anxiety attacks and found out from a friend who knows some about mental illness that I might either be depressed or schizophrenic. I know neither of those are a joke. and I hope no one thinks that I am just lying about having either one. those amongst other things are not to be used jokingly. if any of you are depressed or have schizophrenia, I am here for you if you need me. never let anyone or anything tell you your not perfect cause you are. any way I am writing on the next chapter as much as I can ((I seriously hate how much my job and school over runs my free internet time -.-)) any way the link is there is you all want to chat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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