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She could sense the start of mating season among her pack. Females were going into a frenzy looking for a potential Male. It left her with a pounding headache.

If her wolves were this way, soon she would be too, every six full moons she experienced a carnal desire to mate but none had she found that could take the desire away from her.

She lost control those days, and would leave the pack to her beta as she took off to fight her body's urges.

She had smelled the Male around her territory, always on the outskirts, for the past three days and she didn't like it. This was her territory, and he could easily lead those two-legs to her pack. She had to already drag ones carcass off a couple days ago.

They would never learn.

The warmer weather was seeping into the forest, and as the ice continued to melt, it left their creek flowing with fresh water.

She enjoyed watching the pups play amongst the rocks and the shallow waters. She would often join them, and wrestle with them both in her wolf form and not. It improved her strength and agility, something that was becoming harder and harder to do as she reached her physical peak. She would always keep her body fit, both bodies.

The Male was back today, but not in his wolf form. No, he freely entered her territory as his two-leg form. Her wolves waited on her command. She eyed him warily.

He held his hands up, an open position, she could have her wolves attack and kill him easily enough, but she didn't.

He started making the weird sounds with his mouth, the ones that she didn't understand. She went up to him. Sniffing him, and the foreign objects on his body.

He gently pushed her away, she snarled, she wasn't done giving him the once over. He growled back, and she felt it in her body through his hand still on her chest.

Who was he to tell her what to do? He had no power over her and she would do as she pleased on her territory.

Her hands morphed into a hybrid between her wolf form and present form, and she took a swipe at his arm, he was fast and wrenched away before she could nag him.

What do you want? She asked him. He only responded with questioning eyes. His mouth opened again, and the only thing to emit were the same noises as before.

They weren't like the language she used, his language flowed together whereas hers didn't.

Gah, I do not understand what you are saying. She turned from him, skulking away. What use was there to try and communicate when neither could understand the other.

Perhaps she could learn their language, it was so different than her own, maybe it would be too hard?

But she hated not knowing what went on in her land. A splash from behind her caught her attention. The Male was crossing the river.

Wolves came to her, forming a protective circle. She stayed them, watching the Male's every move.

He handed her something from the objects he wore. It was small enough to fit in her hands.

What is it? Her beta huffed. She held it by one piece and watched as it fell apart, she dropped it in alarm. The Male laughed. She glared at him before picking the foreign object up again.

In it were symbols, she had seen them before on the oneshapes' bodies, when she had looked through their corpses.

She didn't like what this Male had brought her. She handed it back to him, but he wouldn't take it, in a fit she threw it at him, hitting his face, eliciting a deep growl.

She growled straight back at him, again throwing the object at him in the process.

He picked it up, pointing first at her then at the object, saying something she'd never heard before, which sounded strange as it passed his lips, boook. What was she to do with a Boook? What was the point of that thing?

She didn't understand the symbols the thing held, but perhaps it was the first step in learning what this Male had to offer.


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