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Y'all, I have entered this bad boy into the 2019 Watty's!!! It is under the category Fantasy, please continue to give it your full support, it has meant so much to me.

Happy reading

Also peep me at my graduation


Everything had hit a stalemate, and his aggression with other females was reaching its peak. Wolves liked to fuck around, but they took choosing a life mate very seriously, and while his pack had many eligible females, he wanted only one, one that had evaded him since the beginning.

None of Damien's females had interested him since he'd met the feral, and he hadn't taken his sexual frustration out in almost two months, it was showing.

After treaty agreements were made with the Alphas from Maine and Iowa, he'd put Jerod in charge of any business matters while he was on hiatus. He'd taken to fixing things around the property to keep his mind off of everything. Yesterday Damien had fixed the fencing along the main property, meaning the buildings, and installed a new security system.

It was a process and took all day, but it also gave four of his shifters a job, they were younger wolves, 19 and 20 years of age, but he knew they'd be responsible and diligent in keeping up with the cameras and alarm systems.

Today he was installing plumbing systems in the first of two new appartment buildings. He needed to go to the hardware store to get installation items. Buying in bulk was going to be the only option, being that there were 100 apartments in this building alone.

The drive into town allowed him to mull over thoughts that had been ravaging his mind. But it didn't fare well, he almost ran into the mountainside twice before he got to his destination.

Because he was buying in bulk, he had to call ahead so that they could make sure they had enough product in stock. They did...otherwise he'd have started on a different project. The store was crowded today, perhaps it being a Saturday had something to do with that.

He went up to the customer service desk to inquire about his transaction, there was a female ahead of him.

"Alan, please, I have a roommate who's challenged in some areas and she doesn't understand how to assemble these things. I'll need your help," the woman was petite, but firm and smelled of medical chemicals. A doctor perhaps?

"Aye, alright Katherine, only because you came here instead of that wretched place in your town, I'll be by after work," the man, Alan, said.

"Thank you so much!" She heaves the large box into a comfortable place before walking past Damien. He caught a wiff of another scent. It was hers. He was immediately intrigued, and gave Alan a look of I'll be right back, before following the woman.

"Here, let me help you there," he said. She obviously had not expected his presence and nearly dropped the box.

"Shit! You frightened me!" He gently took the box from her.

"Forgive me, it was not my intention," he responded.

"I suppose you can carry it for me, I'll just be going to my car and then I have someone who can help me when I get home," she said lightly.

"Damien," he said, holding out his hand to her.

"Katherine," she responded, shaking his hand. Once outside they stopped at a blue Subaru. She popped the trunk. And he placed the box in it.

The passenger door opened and a tall woman stepped out, holding a child.

"Katherine, your little boy has...I don't know the word...has messed on me?" Damien had to do a double take at the woman before him. Was it really her? She held the same presence, but smelled slightly different, her natural scent altered by human products. She could speak English now, her voice was still having a difficult time processing the words.

"Oh dear, I'll get the baby bag to help you clean up," katherine took the child, and it was like either had forgotten Damien was here before the shewolf came up to him, sniffing him, poking him, before grinning, her canines protruded from her lips in her wolfish grin. She lifted her hand to touch his face.

He was quick to notice the scarring on her neck and jawline, which were not there when he left her last.

"You are here. I didn't know you to find me. Katherine, this is the male I tell you of, Damien," he wanted to ravish the female in front of him, to take her home and claim her as his, but that would have to wait. English was obviously still a struggle for her, but she was miles ahead of where she had been.

"So you're like Shae then? You can turn into a hairy creature that could potentially eat me for breakfast?" This human knew? This would not bode well for anyone. And the shewolf was called Shae now?

"If that's how you put it, yes, but the only female I'd be eating any time soon is this fine creature in front of me," he gave the shewolf a wink and Katherine rolled her eyes. The words flew right over the shewolf's head as he got a confused look from her.

"You're worse than a teenage boy," Damien scoffed at this. It was his nature to be possessive over what was his. Katherine got to work cleaning the front seat of her vehicle before handing a wetone to Shae so she could clean her shirt and skirt off.

"Come back to my pack with me," The hesitation was clear in her eyes. Why? He wondered.

"I don't...it is not in..." she was grasping for words, "who I am?" She finished.

"Damien, she has obviously been through a lot, and such a quick transition from what she has now to something else is not in her benefit. I've worked with animals for many years now, and like humans, they can develop symptoms of PTSD, you see it in pets that have been abused...She's not ready for that life again. Let her heal, mentally," Damien did not like that response and made it quite clear with a low growl. Shae was quick to respond with her own, a challenge, he wasn't expecting it and coughed back his growl.

Shae was protective over Katherine and her child, extremely so.

"After I had bathed her down when I finished sewing her throat together, I noticed other wounds, aside from the newer arrow and gunshot wound, that had scarred significantly. This attack was not her first...just, please, give her time to adjust," the small human before him was persistent in keeping him from his female, but Shae wasn't arguing with her. Damien wasn't pleased with the situation at hand, but would do whatever necessary to have her.

"Very well, so be it, but I will come for her," he stated before leaving the two women there.

He got the supplies he had originally come for, but left more agitated than ever, even Jerod steered clear of the angry alpha when he got back.

My absence is inexcusable, but I was having a difficult time writing this chapter, I may go back and edit it, but for now this is it. I do hope you ejoyed it.

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