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Shr had refused to wear heels, her ankles wobbled at every attempt to walk in them and she had no desire to fall walking in front of everyone.

From the walk down the aisle and throughout the ceremony, Shae felt like she was on what humans called autopilot. Everything that was happening all around her today was surreal. Not to mention overwhelming.

She was once more an alpha to a pack. She was nervous to say the least, but she was ready. Walking past her wolves after being accepted as alpha was rewarding in every way. It had been almowt a full moon cycle, or year, since she was last a leader and it was time for her to be one again.

They all bared their necks in submission, and once she and Damien had left the tent they all followed.

It was now time to feast together as a pack. And she was eager to try the foods that had been teasing her nose for the last day.

Everyone found their seats, and at the left side of Damien sat his beta, Jerod and his mate Lillian. Shae had only spoken a few words to Lilian since arriving, but decided she liked her a lot. Her nature was sweet, but caring and suited to complement Jerod's dominance. She was also a very beautiful woman, golden hair and deep brown eyes that had a slight up curve in their shape, and although she was much shorter than Shae, she was still well proportioned.

As was custom for this pack, the Alpha was to eat first, and everyone seemed to hage their breath held as Damien took the first bite. Grinning at the taste of the food, and inviting everyone to feast together after.

Shae took her first bite and almost groaned in delight. It had taken her a long time to appreciate human food, but Katherine had slowly introduced many new things to her while she was under her roof. And while Katherine's cooking had been amazing, this meal right here was something else altogether.

Vegetables still made her queasy and their texture was unpleasant, but she could easily choke them down when she got there. She didn't want to seem ungrateful for the hard work her pack had put into this ceremony.

In small groups they came up to meet her, eating became almost impossible. The older members made remarks on her appearance, especially her eyes.

She realized that not many of these wolves had let their nature come through. She had yet to seen a single one. She knew that it was an uncommon thing, from Damien's many explanations, but didn't realize just how uncommon.

"My mate, when our pack members begin to slow down in their pursuit of meeting you, let's get away for some time, I've missed you this last day and a half," Damien whispered in her ear as a group of four wolves came to introduce themselves and meet her.

All she could do in response was grin and nod.

The young pups were as energetic as wild wolves, to which she coild easily relate. They also brought gifts, like aninal skulls and pelts for her. She was immensely grateful for them.

Time passed so quickly as she found herself immersed in conversation after conversation. Her english was improving so much by doing so. No one had asked her about her upbringing yet, and she was thankful. There was a pit in her gut about explaining to this pack that she nearly caused their demise a whole moon cycle ago.

Soon there was music and dancing, both of which were foreign to her. Sure she had seen such things in movies with Katherine, but she wasn't coordinated enough.

Whilst learning the cha cha slide, a human dance, she was whisked away from the party.

"It never seems to end, but it seemed like you were enjoying yourself," Damien said.

"I was, but my legs didn't want to work for some of those dances," she told him. He laughed at this, nodding in agreement. They were walking a long the pathways that connected the buildings the pack lived in, and Shae was taking it all in.

"Fun fact, it wasn't until the last 100 years that Alpha ceremonies added more than just a meet and greet aspect. It wasn't long after the council purged the feral packs that mating rituals between the alpha pair were witnessed by the whole pack as a way to ensure an heir. But we had to make changes due to the times. A lot of the Alphas on the counsil didn't like that change, but the majority ruled it to come to an end. So now there are things in place of that, such as dancing and feasting together," Shae balked at this knowledge. Had that practice still been around now, she would have hesitated going through with becoming Alpha again.

"I feel bad for leaving the ceremony, will they see that we are gone?" Shae asked.

"It'll be okay, Jerod will mediate things in our absense. Besides, things will begin to wind down soon enough," Damien was leading her back to his place she realized. They had taken the long way around.

When they arrived at his suite, something was different, scents that hadn't been there this morning were present.

"Close your eyes, and take my hand" Damien told her.

She did.

"Now open them," her eyes widened in amazement. Beautiful pelts from deer, bear, and other creatures decorated his bedroom along with flowers of all sort, bringing bright colors to the space.

She was instantly overwhelmed with emotion.

"You have blessed me, so now I am blessing you with these gifts if you'll have them," she knew the significance of giving pelts, it was similar to what her old wolves would do when they acquired their mates, but instead of pelts gifts came in the form of dead animals to show they could provide.

She hugged him, too overwhelmed to do anything else, tears threatened to spill out from her eyes. After standing for a few minutes, enjoying his embrace, he gently tilted her head up so her lips met his.

The kiss was sweet, but held the passion they'd shared just two days prior.

Everything was out of the door after that, she wanted so bad to just rip his shirt off, but knew better than to do so, so she opted to hastily unbuttoned instead.

In the process of removing her dress, there was a knock at his door.

Damien was quick to growl in frustration.

"I'll murder whoever is at that door. Stay here," Shae laughed at his words and although she was curious about who it was, she stayed put as Damien got up.

Damien was gone for a few minutes when she heard arguing. Her curiosity got the better of her and she went to investigate.

"-o right to keep the other Alphas out of this, Damien!" A voice, male, shouted

"Leave! You weren't invited, you shouldn't have come, Atticus," Damien responded

"You spit my name like its a curse, she's the curse Damien! Can't you see?" She recognized the scent of the visitor, it was the Alpha that had been here when she received the gunshot wound.

Both quieted when she entered the space.

"Well, speak of the Devil, you should be dead shewolf, your scars prove it," the comment sent her realing.

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