Chapter 6

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"David? Are you waking up, David?" a deep, unfamiliar voice said, as slowly opened my eyes.

It was a police officer.

And I was in a hospital.

"What happened? Why am I here?" I asked, I had a million more questions, but I also had a raging headache.

"That's what I came to find out," the officer confessed as he pulled out a yellow legal pad, and a ballpoint pen. "What do you remember?"

"Isn't it too early to question me? I just go-"

"You've been here for a month,"


"You overdosed,"

"WHAT?! HOW?!"

"Like I said, that's what I came to find out."

"I didn't do any drugs! How can I overdose with out doing any drugs!? This makes no fucking sense!"

"Calm down, I think some teens slipped it to you. Do the names, 'Jerry Ramirez', 'Tina Flores', and 'Jack Mitchells', ring a bell?"

Yeah, my new stoner friends. I nodded, I should've just said 'yes', cause my head started throbbing.

"I've arrested them,"


"We have a eyewitness report, from your sister Monica, saying they held you hostage, made you smoke weed, and take you to a illegal underground rave."

"No, I wanted to-"

"Break laws?"

"No, I just...I...I don't remeber, but I'm sure they didn't hold me against my will."

beep beep beep

The officers watch started beeping.

"I need to go, I've been here long enough. When your'e better we'll take you to the station for more questioning. Goodbye, David." And with that he left.

He had questions for me, as I did for him.

Did Monica follow me? Was she in the rave? How did I overdose? Was I really here for a month? Will I ever see Tina, Jerry, and Jack ever again? Will I get arrested?

With every question I felt weaker, and I fell asleep.

Not many people can, but I am able to lucid dream. Now, that I know I feel asleep, I can.

I put myself into the last place I remember.

After smoking in the car ride, we waited in line at a old warehouse. Right, Jerry said something like, "Some raves are innocent, just music, glow sticks, energy drinks, whatever. Not this one, this is a illegal one, where the admission is high, and so are the ravers. All kinds of drugs are done here. Sure there's music and flashing lights here too. But that's only to make everything more trippy."

Tina rolled her eyes, and Jack...

Jack wasn't there?

No, he got a phone call and stayed in the car for a bit. He came out crying.

Yeah, then when Jerry asked why he gave a shitty excuse.

Tina changed the topic and talked about how the girls dress as sluts at raves.

"It's not like they'll remember anything! With all the shit they do, they'll be lucky out they found thier way home!"

Oh, the irony, I'm not a sluty drug addict, but here I am, lucid dreaming in a hospital after I overdosed.

We we're getting ahead in line, and I thought I heard my name, but I ignored it. There's a lot of Davids in the world. Could that voice have been Monica?

After a good 10 minutes of waiting, we were in the front, paying the buff female bouncer $20 each.

"Have fun," she said in a surprisingly deep voice and a wink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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