Murder first school later

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Hi, this is my first story i publish so i hope you enjoy it.

WARNING it contains strong language, violence and maybe a sex scene, but i am not sure because i am still writing.


My footsteps were breaking the scilent sound of nature. With every step, one little twig broke. Running wasn't the smartest thing to do. I knew it was faster than me, but I didn't care. I saw a sign with ''you're leaving the highway'' and i stumbled into the woods. I knew there were these doors in the ground. It was some kind of bombshelter. I tried to remember but the images from what just happened kept floating through my mind. I couldn't just remember one thing or there would be that terrifying image. I was still running and i was still trying to remember. That shelter would be my only chance to get out of these woods alive.

Suddenly i felt something was pulling me back. While looking behind me to see what it was, i saw it coming closer. I pulled because apparently my dress was stuck in some kind of thorne bush. I pulled so hard that i ripped my dress.

Suddenly everything from the past months started kicking in and now I was crying. Not because I was followed by some creep, not because my dress whas ripped, but because I knew that it was going to end. My life was already messy enough but the last couple of months were the worst. Even if I could get out of here alive, their would still be questions that i just can not answer without revealing everything I did. Finally the adrenaline came to my legs instead of my head and I sprinted through bushes and leaves.

You could still here every breaking sound I made only by running. It sounded like someone was fyring gun shots that were going straight to the side of my head. I thought that I could take a break but my stalker looked like it had energie for ten. I was so tired, I haven't had any sleep in a while and after my adrenaline shot, the sleep started kicking in. It felt like my legs were made of pudding and my sight was all blurry. When I looked back, I made a mistake.

By looking back to see if the creep was still behind me I fell. I rolled from a hill and i felt something break. I was like five seconds senseless. My eyes could't see in the dark anymore and my legs were burning like they were on fire. After blinking with my eyes a lot, I saw it standing right in front of me with it's gun pointing at me.

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