First day, Part one.

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'A brand new day.' Callie thought to herself 'A brand new school. Brand new people. Make friends, dont be weird.' She started going through everything her mom told her. She looked out the car window as they pulled into the parking lot of her new school. She wanted to jump out and run away. Unlike most other new students, she didnt want to go back to her old school. She had a panic attacl every time they passed it in the car. Her old school said to have a 'No bully tolerance.' Yeah right. She had to leave her so called friends because of how badly she was being bullied. The worst part was none of her friends defended her.

Callie had an awesome back to achool outfit. She wore rose gold sneakers that lit up when you pressed the button. Her pants were normal jeans but her shirt was her favorite part. A pink button down speakled with dinosaur designs. First impressions start with the way tou present yourself. Her dark brown hair was let loose to dangle on her shoulders.

"You ready?" Her mom asks, pulling her out of her thoughts.  Callie nodded and put on her backpack. Pikachu, one of her favorites. They get out of the car and walk into the school. Her classroom was on the other aide of the school from the enterance so it was a long walk. When they finally get to the classroom the teacher greeted  them.

"Hi, im Mrs. Kendall. Im your new teacher! I guarantee youll have a great time here at drake. Here let me take those to your desk." Mrs. Kendall took the empty binders from Callie and put them on a desk what was arranged in a group with four others. A dirty blonde boy was at tge desk next to her. Across from him there was a dark skinned boy with a blue shirt and darker blue pants. 'looks like Minecraft Steve' Callie thought to herself. Across from Callie theee was a short and small girl with long dirry blonde hair.

"Well i guess ill see you after school, Callie." Her mom said.

"Yeah. Um..Goodbye." Callie saod as she hugged her okwardly. Her mom left as the teacher took Callie to her desk and helped her set up her school supplies.

~A little while later~

All of the kids who left for what the teacher called 'block' (it was basically for if you needed extra help in math or reading) got back, rhe teacher said that they had Art class. The teacher lined up the class and they walked to the opposite side of the school for art class. She sat down werever there was room. The tables were two long rectangular tables put together to form a square.

Callie looked around ay the people at her table. The dirty blonde that sat across from her in homeroom was sitting around the corner from her. Next to her was a girl woth pale vampire like skin. She had dark brown hair with bleach blonde streaks. She wore a white pullover hoodie that had sticks and leaves desogned on it. Almost like camoflouge. For pants she had black leggings that stopped in the middle of her thigh. Her shoes were white Adidas with black designes on it. Around the corner from her was a girl with light brown hair that stopped at her shoulders. She wore a pink shirt with a silver sparkley unicorn on the front. Her pants were leggings made to look like jeans. You couldent see her feet from the way she was sitting. No one else was at the table.

The dirty blonde spoke "Hello! Im Mackenzie. This is deb-"

The brunnette interupted her "I can introduce myself. Im Debbie."

"And im Clair!" The last girl said

"u.Um...Im Callie. Nice to meet you" callie wasnt sur eif they heard the last part bevause they didnt reply.

The Art teacher handed out white peices of construction paper. "Today we are makeing our art porfolios for this year. We will be useing these to store our artwork thoughout the entire year." the art teacher then demonstrated how to fold and tape the white peice of paper. Callie followed her steps. Once the teacher told then they could decorate, Callie wrote her first and last enitial with a 15-her lucky number- in the middle. She then drew a dinosour on the bottom bevause dinosours are awesome.

"So what kind of things do you like, Callie?"  Mackenzie asked

"Um.. Well.. I like reading and...Drawing..."

"What do you like reading?"

"um..Harry Potter..Percy Jackson..That kind of stuff. Fantacy."

Mackenzie nodded and went bavk to coloring

"What about you guys?"

"I like unicorns." Clair said

"Unicorns arent real, Clair." Debbie said

"Yes they are. Because im a unicorn and if unicorns werent real then im not real."

Debbie sighed "Well i like horseback rideing. I like horror movies, too."

Mackenzie said "I like doingusically, i guess."

Callie nodded just as art class ended

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