Something new.

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It was around early October when it happened. Something brand new. Callie had adjusted to her school. The Schedule had been memorised to the day.

She found out that her friend Taco, she had met over the summer. She runs a lemonade stand over the summer to rase money for the SPCA. Taco had come to her stand once. By the time she got to school she had forgotten about him. But he didnt. He talked to her during lunch period and she remembered. What a small world, she thought to herself. It was really amazing how they met.

It was Monday, October tenth. Last Friday the teacher said they were getting a new student today. Her name was Karly. Callie hoped she was nice. Mabey they could be friends. Two new girls as friends...She thought it would be easy to make friends with someone who dosent know anyone.

When Karly came in, Callie was reading her book. She heard people starting to get loud so she looked up. There was the new girl. Karly. She had long brown hair that faded down to green. She had greenish blue eyes. She was wearing ripped jeans and a tee shirt. She had a black bavkpack with an Eevee keychain on it.

The teacher showed her to her seat and helped her get set up, just like she had for Callie. She had widened a desk space for her across the room from Callie. Callie went back to reading, for now.


As the class lined up for Gym class, Callie went ovwr to the new girl. "Hi. Im Callie. Im new here too spabeu we can help each other out?"

Karly looked at her and shrugged "Mabye. Im Karly but the teacher already said that."

"Nice to meet you." Callie smiled

Karly nodded "Yep."

As the class walked down to gym Callie looked down at her feet. Dangit. She had worn sneakers. That ment she had to participate in gym. She walked into the locker roon and grabbed her bag. She went to the corner enxt to Debbie and started changeing.

When she walked out into the gym she was one of the last out. Like useual. She sat on the line with the rest of her classed and listened to the teacher's instuction. There were two gym teachers. Mr. K and Mr. Collins. Mr. Collens was mean and Mr. K was just strict.

The two classes lined up on opodite walls as each student was given a number. They were playing football. She was number 23, wich ment she went last. The first group of people went out and started playing. She talked with Debbie and a very tall guy named Liam while they waited for their turn.

She had avtually gone to kindergarten with Liam. He left the next year. Liam was tall, with brown hair and eyes. He normally wore sweatshorts and a tee shirt. His left eye was always going off in a differnt dorection than the right. Alot of people in her class didnt like him because he was 'Weird' but Callie thought he was cool.

When it was her turn, she protected the goal. She wasnt the best. By the time se got back her team was yelling at her, but she didnt really care. She ust sat in the back with her friends and continued to talk


Switches were fine. Nothing unusual happened. She walked down the hall with the rest of her class to the lunch room. She stood next to Joey in line and waited. She got cheese pizza. She sat down were she always did. At the end of the table across from Joey.

It was weird. Everyone always thought that her and Joey were dating. Aparently your not allowed to be friends with someone of the oposite gender. She talked with Joey as she ate her lunch. The school lunch was always really good, a contrast to the stereotype.

When they got back to the classroom they had a bit of freetime. Callie took the opertunity to start talking to Karly more.

"So..What kind of things do you like?" She asked

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