"Somaya, you done got yourself a stalker."

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Apex, North Carolina. June 17th, 1954

After that night that I met Chresanto, he asked me for my phone number. I was kind of reluctant; I mean I just met this guy and I didn't know if he could be some type of murderer. But his eyes were something I couldn't say no too. I gave it to him, then plopped down beside Tiana in the back of a taxi. As we drove away, he smiled and waved.

Tiana and I were in our room. Tiana was brushing my thick curly hair hard, making me shout. "Ow, Tiana, why you so rough?!"

"Hush child, I'm almost done!" Tiana said, giving it one last pull. I swear, even though she was only a year younger than me, Tiana thought she was so grown. She always had a motherly instinct about her, though.

"OW! T, that-" I was cut off by the phone ringing. Tiana and I both looked at each other, then scrambled out into the living room for the only phone we had. My mother was almost about to pick it up when we busted into the room.

"I got it, mama! I got it!" I said, putting my hand down on the phone. Chresanto didn't call me after we left the club or the day after. I was praying that it was him this time.

"What in the world is wrong with you girls? I know we barely get any calls, but this is crazy! You done almost knocked me down-" My mama started to fuss.

"Now, mama, Somaya done found herself a man the other night!" Tiana said.

"A man? OOOOH! Now how come y'all ain't tell me-?"

"Hello?" I said nervously into the phone. My mama and Tiana leaned in close to hear.

"Hello, Somaya?" A man's voice asked. His voice. My heart started beating fast.

"Oh, he sounds cute!" My mama said. "he is, mama! Gorgeous!" Tiana chimed in.

"Y-yes, it's me. Hi Chresanto! How come you didn't call?" I said.

"I can explain it to you when you come outside in about 10 minutes."

"Outside? You mean, of my house?" I said, genuinely confused.

"Yes ma'am. I'm out on my way to see you." I immediately slammed the phone down, "He's coming!" I said to my mama and T, They looked at me in excitement, then started talking at once. "At this house?" "How he know where we live?" "Oh mama, ain't this something!" I ran into our room to make sure I looked okay. My hair was sticking up due to T's brushing, so I put it in a ponytail. I grabbed some lipstick and perfume and put it on. I ran into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. After I was satisfied, I ran out the door followed by my mother and Tiana. And there he was.

He was standing outside of a beautiful red Chrysler Saratoga. Red was my favorite color. I was instantly in love with it. He started making his way up to the porch.

"Somaya, you done got yourself a stalker." Tiana whispered to me.

"Hush T!" I whispered back.

"Good afternoon ladies. It's nice to see you again, Tiana." He said, planting a kiss on her hand. She started blushing. Then he turned to my mother. "And you must be another beautiful sister of theirs, I suppose?" My mother blushed.

"Oh, stop it, you. Haha, you young fellows think you got game. I'm their beautiful mother." She said, smiling and holding out her had to him.

"Beautiful indeed." He said kissing her hand too. Then he turned to me. He was a few inches taller than me, but I looked up at him like a scared little child. "Hello, miss Somaya."

"Hi! I-um, what you doing here?"

He grinned at me. "Well, I kind of asked around, I hope you don't mind, I'm certainly not a stalker-" He glanced at Tiana. "I just wanted to see you again."

"Of course I don't mind. I-I just...your car! I've never seen nothing like that 'round here! I only see those fancy cars on TV in California or somethin' like that!" I stared at it.

Chresanto smiled at me. "That's where I got it from. I'm from California, you know." He said,

"You are?!" I said, staring at him like some type of celebrity.

"Now no wonder you don't talk like us! You talk all proper and what not!" My mama said. Chresanto just grinned in reply.

"Well, the real reason I'm here is because I wanted to know if I can take miss Somaya out for a little while tonight."

"Yes." My mother and and Tiana said at the same time. I blushed a little bit. "Of course but, I-I need some time to get ready! This was so out of the blue!" I said.

"Of course, take your time." He said.

"Well, come on in, child. Make yourself at home." My mama smiled at him. We all walked out of the house, while Tiana pushed me into the room to help me get ready.

Apex, North Carolina. August 5th, 1954

"What do you mean 'run away'?" I asked Chresanto, looking at him horrified. We were sitting in the corner of a diner parking lot at 1am. He looked at me serious. It was the first time I seen him that way and I knew he wasn't kidding.

"Somaya, I'm leaving on a plane to California at 5 in the morning. I want you to come with me."

"Chresanto I can't just leave my mama and my sister. This is home right here. I can't go cross country." I said, shaking my head. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Somaya, I am going to be completely honest with you. I love you. With all of my heart. I know we just met but, you're not like all these other young girls back in Cali. They only want me because I got a lot of money and they're tired of trying to make it big in show business. You like me for me. And I love you for you. That's why I need you to come with me. I'm not leaving without you." I just stared at him. I knew I loved this man with him brown eyes and proper talk, but it wasn't that easy. I was only 17 for Christ sakes!

"I need to think about it...this isn't an easy decision." I said. He looked saddened a little, but he just nodded his head and started the engine. It was quiet on my way home, giving me time to think about one of the most important decisions of my life.


I snuck into the living room, pulling my suitcase behind me. I was thankful for the carpeted floor, because there was no noise coming from the suitcase. I quickly picked up the phone and dialed Chresanto's hotel number.

"Merry Hills hotel, how may I help you?" A lady's voice answered.

"Um, yes, could you connect me to Chresanto August's room please?" I whispered into the receiver.

"Certainly, ma'am. Hold please." Then I heard silence. A few seconds later, Chresanto's voice tiredly answered. "Hello?"

"Chres! It's me, Somaya. I'm ready to go with you."

His voice perked up. "What? Somaya, are you sure?"

"Yes. I-I want to be with you." My heart was beating fast. I could tell he was smiling by the way his voice sounded.

"Alright. I'll be there soon. I love you." He said.

"I love you, too."

At 3:47am I took a last glance at my childhood home. I was about to move across the country with a man I met about 2 months ago and leave my sister and mother and everything in my life behind. It was a stupid move, but I was in love then. I thought he could take care of me and give me a life bigger than the small town I was from. So with tears streaming down my eyes, I got into the front seat of Chresanto's car and waved goodbye to my house. I wondered if my mama would pass out when she found me gone?

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