You Can Run...

25 1 0

Los Angeles, California March 14,1955


"Is everything packed and ready?" Chresanto asked Benny while putting a cigar in his mouth.

"Yes sir. Everything's ready to go." He replied.

"Good, good. Hey, listen Benny. Thank you for everything that you do for me. Please keep an eye out for anything suspicious while I'm gone. I'll keep you updated as well." Chresanto said.

"No problem, Chresanto. Be safe. Take care of miss Somaya." He said.

"Will do." Chresanto shook his hand and walked over to the car. We took a plain black car now, since we knew Anastasia would be hunting for the beautiful red one. This time, Chresanto had on a plain creme button down shirt with some gray slacks and a gray fedora. I had on a plain black dress with my hair tied in a neat bun. I was sitting in the front seat of the car when Chresanto got in. He looked at me.

"Are you ready, baby?"

I sighed. "Ready as I'll ever be." I replied. He just grabbed my hand, and I turned to look at him.

"Everything will be okay. I promise." He stated.

"I surely hope so..." I thought. Instead, I gave him a dry grin. He started the car and we pulled off. I glanced back at the building that I've been staying at for the last few months. Benny was still standing there. He waved. I smiled and waved back.

"Somaya!" A desperate voice called out. All I saw ahead of me was complete darkness. "Somaya, help me please! AH!" There was a terrible short shriek. I recognized the voice. Tiana!

"Tiana? TIANA! WHERE ARE YOU?" I felt ahead desperately in front of me. My hands touched something hard and cool. I felt against it until I felt a turn. All of a sudden, I saw a sliver of light that appeared to come from under a door on my left side. I ran and tried to open the door. It was locked.

"T? TIANA!" I screamed.

"Somaya, help me-" She screamed again.

"Shut up bitch, GOD!" A male voice replied. Anger boiled inside of me. I kicked at the door as hard as I could. Eventually, it swung open to the most horrifying sight in my life.

Tiana was tied up with a wound bleeding from her head. She looked tired and weak, her hair messy and her dress starting to get bloody at the shoulder. A man with puffy hair...the man I recognized as the man Tiana danced with that night I met Chresanto, stood over her with a gun pointed at her head. Tears slid down my face. He grinned at me.

"Hey there, big sister!" He chimed as if we were at a casual family cookout.

"T! DON'T HURT HER!" I screamed. I was defenseless, not having any weapons on me.

"Oh no, I won't hurt her...yet. I was really waiting for you." He stated.

"NO! Jacob, please!" Tiana screamed, her voice cracking and slightly fading at the end. I could tell she was getting weak.

"Jacob?" I questioned myself.

"Bonnie and Clyde are finally over...its so sad." He said. For some reason, my eyes glanced over to the right corner. At this sight, I sunk to my knees. Chresanto was laid in the corner. Dead. His eyes were closed and he had a huge red spot where his heart would be. Dead.

" k-killed him." I whispered as tears leaked from my eyes.

"Yep. Now it's your turn." Jacob said, pointing the gun at me. "Say bye bye, big sis."

The last thing I heard was a gunshot and screaming...

Then my eyes shot open. I felt the car jerk to the side, and Chresanto pulled it back to the lane. The sky was dark, but I started to see a little bit of pink from in between the trees on the side of the highway. I glanced down at my watch. It was 5:45am.

"SOMAYA! What happened? Why'd you scream?" Chresanto shrieked, breathing hard at the end.

"I-oh Chresanto! I thought you were dead and...he had Tiana and-" I busted into tears.

I heard Chresanto sigh as he placed his hand gingerly on my thigh. "I'm right here baby. Nothing happened. It's okay, baby everything's fine." He said.

I knew that I was safe right here in car, for the moment. But we honestly had no place to go. If Jacob came back and didn't find us, he'd be pissed. I couldn't let anything happen to Tiana. I just couldn't. I would do everything in my power to make sure nobody, and I meant nobody would get hurt. He would kill me first.


I had no idea where we were going. I just knew we had to get out of Los Angeles. I had a shit load of responsibility and I didn't know where to start. The love of my life's sister is at the hands of the devil. Literally. There's no telling what he would he could do to her. I couldn't let that happen.

Then there's Somaya. Her life was in MY hands. I could handle it if it was just me, but Somaya? I was clueless at what to do; where to go next. I looked over at her. She was just staring out the window. It broke my heart to see her cry over that nightmare. I felt so guilty. If she would've never met me, she would be safe in North Carolina. Her and Tiana.

I knew what I was bringing her into when I met her. But I just couldn't stay away. She was just so...perfect. I sighed and tried to turn on the radio, trying to distract myself. Let Me Go Lover by Teresa Brewer softly played.

"I was cursed from the first day I fell." Her voice sang. "How I pray that, you will say that, we're through."

I heard Somaya sniff. I prayed that that's not what she was thinking.

The rest of the ride was silent.


"Chresanto, can we please pull over and get something to eat? I'm starving." Somaya said quietly. It was the first words she said to me since she woke up.

"Sure honey." I replied. I took the next exit. We pulled up to a small restaurant named Mama Jay's. There was only about 5 or 6 cars in the parking lot this time.

Somaya immediately stepped out and stretched. "It feels so good to stretch my legs. Where are we?" She asked.

"Blythe now," I said. "When we get in can you please get us a table? I have to make a phone call.

She nodded and walked inside. I followed behind her. A woman with a light complexion and short, curly hair beamed tiredly at us. She looked fairly young; just a little older than Somaya.

"Welcome to Mama Jay's. Table for two?" She said.

"Yes, but, where are your phones?" I replied.

"Just past those tables in that back room. It's right before you get to the bathroom." She replied.

I nodded in thanks and went towards the phone. I picked up one of the phones and put in a quarter. I dialed the number of my penthouse. After a few rings, Benny's voice picked up tiredly. "Hello?"

"Benny. We're in Blythe right now. How's everything going there?" I asked.

"I've been asleep until you called, Chres." Benny chuckled. "But as far as I know, nobody else as seen or heard anything."

"Okay good. And remember, Anastasia said she has many characters, so keep an eye out."

"Will's everything going with you and Somaya?"

I sighed. "Somaya had a dream about Jacob killing me. She hasn't said much to me this morning. And for me," I sighed. "I don't know what I'm doing. I didn't have a plan. I was just driving. But...I'm taking to her to Las Vegas. I'm sure Susie will help us. I'm going to figure something out there, but until then, that's where we're staying." I replied.

"Good, good. But please keep me updated. Be safe." He replied.

I sighed. "I'll try."


heeey y'all😊 I'm kind of having writer's block. if y'all have any ideas at all, let me know😬 don't forget to comment!

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