Chapter 7: Autumnal Equinox

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After almost six months, The Witch's Tale is back. In Chapter 6, Sara learns the truth about Papa's appearance in her small, god-fearing town and gets bent over a table in the process! What happens this chapter? More sexy stuff like that? More mind-blowing revelations? Read on!

On the morning of the Autumnal Equinox, Sara wakes up with a guilty conscience. It gives her a sick, heavy feeling in her stomach. She's supposed to be at a feast her family is holding a few hours away. It is a hard, long walk from Oakfell to their camp, and she should have left the day before yesterday. But that was the day she spent learning the truth about her new lover and his companions. She could have also left yesterday, but Old Nan had needed her assistance with a difficult birth.

Normally, Sara did not like attending births, especially difficult ones. If something went wrong, she could easily be accused by the grieving family of cursing the mother and child. Her position as an assistant midwife was a precarious one, considering her status as an outcast and suspected witch. The fact that her remedies were largely successful and she had yet to be present at a childbed tragedy, had been the main things keeping her from being burned at the stake. But the mother in this particular case had asked for her specifically.

The Shepherd's wife, Rachel, had been barren for many years, having only had miscarriages in the ten years she'd been married. Nine months ago, she had visited Sara, begging her for help. She had gone to mass and prayed to her god, she had even gone on a pilgrimage to see a vial of the breast milk belonging to the Holy Mother, hoping it would stir her empty womb. She had done everything, and nothing had worked. Now she was at her wit's end, a pious woman driven to a witch out of pure desperation.

"Give me a child," Rachel has whispered fervently, kissing Sara's hands.

"Please, I will do anything. Give me a child or I will die,"

Sara was moved by her heartache, and vowed to help the woman conceive, refusing to accept any payment. She invoked every fertility goddess she knew of, and then instructed her to drink a potion made up of conception-inducing herbs every day, and to make sure she had a paroxysm when lying with her husband. Quickly enough, the shepherd's wife was with child. She was exultant with gratitude, and wanted Sara's guidance and care throughout her pregnancy. It was Sara who brought Rachel mint leaves for her nausea, and massaged her swelling legs. Rachel made her promise to be there when the time came.

The birth could not have been easier. Between the skills of Old Nan and Sara, the shepherd's wife was delivered of a strapping, healthy son, who she named Tobias. Rachel's husband, George, was so grateful he pays them in silver, kisses their hands and vows to always be in Sara's debt. She does not want to imagine what he would have done if something had gone wrong, if mother or child had been injured or killed.

Sara rolls out of bed, wondering what she could do on this Sabbat. She supposes she could visit Papa and the Ghouls, bring by some cakes and wine. Perhaps she and Papa could have a more private celebration. She has plans for her lover, oh yes she does. The erotica she found in the library has given her some ideas, things she can do with her hands and mouth. She thinks about these things while she prepares for the day, imagining how her unholy beloved will react. She also thinks about the questions she still hasn't received an answer for, questions she forgot to ask. She has forgotten them the moment Papa had started rubbing his cock against her ass.

Where had his marks come from? And why couldn't he get her pregnant without her consent? She means to ask him tonight, hell or high water, provided he doesn't distract her first. She wonders if she could combine her intentions to please him with her desire for answers.

Sara is finishing her breakfast when she hears a knock at her door. A Ghoul? She jumps up to answer the door, wondering which masked fellows has come today.

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