Chapter 9: The Temple

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Chapter Summary: Papa Emeritus and the Witch have been caught enflagrante delicto! Will their secret stay safe? And what does Papa what to showher?

Warnings: Smut (vanilla sex with some BDSM), costume porn
Word Count: 6,170

Sara slides off of Papa's lap, her legs shaky after their love making. She has no clothes to gather up, just her cloak, and she picks it up off the marble floor, shaking it out before throwing it around her shoulders. It's going to be a chilly walk home; it's the second week of October, and the weather has cooled off significantly. But she doesn't want to think of that now; she wants to see what Papa Emeritus has to show her. She lets him lead her to an elegant parlor, the room done entirely in white and gold, with brocade covered furniture and more paintings on the wall, all in gilded frames. Plush Turkish rugs cover parquet floors and in one corner there's a harpsichord painted with cherubs and flowers. The chandeliers are glimmering crystal, and the ceiling is painted with a mural of cavorting nymphs. In the center of all this finery are seamstress' dummies, each one bearing a dress made with the fabric she picked out with Water at the Equinox, in patterns that she chose with Papa's help. The Witch is too astonished and delighted to even gasp, her breath has been stolen. The scarlet satin, the dark green silk taffeta, and the plum taffeta with black velvet figuring have been made into stylish day dresses, while the striped taffeta and the black velvet are more formal dresses for evening. Sara stands still, eyes glittering and hands clasped over her mouth. Papa is spoiling her, absolutely spoiling her! Does she even deserve any of this?

"Emeritus, they're gorgeous," she whispers at last, turning to him, face flushed.

"I also procured some other things for you, bonnets, gloves and shawls. Those sorts of things," He says, beaming at her reaction, her joy.

At this she squeals excitedly, and throws her arms around him, covering him in kisses. With each one, she thanks him profusely, insisting she doesn't merit such generosity. How much did this even cost him? Papa Emeritus for his part could not be more pleased with her reaction. He has always enjoyed showering his lovers with gifts, providing them with their every desire. As a result he spends almost a ludicrous amount of gold, much to the consternation of his father, and Sister Imperator, an iron-willed clergy member who also happens to be Papa Nil's long-time maitresse en titre.

"Nonsense, no one could deserve this more." He says, when Sara's flurry of kisses have ceased, and she has wandered over to the dresses to run her fingers over the fabric, as if she was making sure they were really there. As if this was all a dream."Here, put one on now, so you don't catch cold on your way home,"

He selects the green silk taffeta, wanting to see her in that one most of all. It's dark as a pine forest, with a narrow waist, and a full skirt. The sleeves are tight and neckline is cut low, baring her shoulders, as is the fashion in the cities. He takes it off the form, and helps her into it, lacing it up the back. It fits like a dream, and complements her dark hair and olive skin perfectly. Papa pauses to look at her for a long while, as if she were a work of art.

"Perfection," he purrs at last, catching her hands in his to kiss the tips of her fingers.
"My gorgeous dark jewel,"

It is exactly what Water had called her at the Equinox when she had picked out the fabrics. 'He longs to see you in deep colors, like the beautiful, dark jewel that you are', the Ghoul had said, and at the time she had blushed, not used to the praise. He leads Sara to a conveniently placed mirror, so she can see herself. 'I almost look like a real lady' she thinks, watching her reflection. She runs her hands over the bodice and skirt, barely believing such a garment could be on her body. She's lost in her own thoughts, and barely notices Papa Emeritus wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close until her back is flush against his chest.

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