Box of beginning

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Chapter 1

Box of beginning

There I was simply admiring the box that contained the new dining room table set I had just found on my neighbors doorstep. I decided to make it my own because, hey why else leave a nice dinning room set outside your door, if it weren't for me to take? Dragging it to my doorstep, I push the gigantic box slowly inside the tiny hole of a door. Feeling tired I think to myself, Lord, if only the pieces of furniture arrived already assembled ready to be used. Slowly unboxing the stray pieces of wood, I quickly ran into my storage room to fetch my tool box. First things first, setting up the table legs, assuring they are steady and sturdy, I struggle to carry the heavy piece of long wood to place on top of it all. Placing it carefully, I break out in nervous sweats hoping not to drop it or have it all collapse down. Phew, I say to myself standing back, there is my new lovely table in one piece. Now for the less challenging task, to assemble my better be comfy, beautiful maple wood chairs. One by one I built each chair, placing the wood in the right places assuring it to be hard and sturdy not to break for when I place my bottom upon it. Astonished I stand back to admire my beautiful masterpiece I had assembled by hand. Bathing in my excitement, I decided to invite guests over for a delicious dinner only to be consumed on my new dining room set, and maybe even get physical with my lover Alejandro after dinner upon it. Calling and sending out invitations, most seemed to be occupied with their own agendas. Realizing most have their own busy schedules, why not make it a romantic dinner for two. Running down to the grocery store, I realized I'll make a grand feast, then thought on what to serve Alejandro for dessert. As feeling as I had a little light bulb appear on top of my head, I then knew what I should do. After Alejandro's appetite is fulfilled, I'll make sure he receives the best dessert anyone can offer, themselves. Planning to "purchase" a lovely roast, I was deciding what to serve on the side. "Hm", I said to myself glancing in between the shelves scattered into separate isles. Spotting so many vegetables and pretty much plain packages of items, I thought, why not be creative? Going into the frozen food isle, I made sure no one was watching then casually slipped a package of french fries into my purse. Seeing frozen pizza, I stuffed the box under my shirt. Reading the price of a frozen turkey, I then said "Hell No, who pays $19.99 for this shit?" So I ran into the bathroom put on a hoodie and ski mask, grabbed my shopping cart, and ran out of the store yelling "Fuck the police." Breathing in fatigue as I reached my apartment, I had parked my shopping cart with the others then went inside. Walking in I grabbed a bottle of vodka, lit up a blunt, and chilled out on my couch. "What a long day," I said to myself. "Now how am I supposed to cook a turkey"? Retrieving my laptop I do research and watch pointless videos on how to cook on youtube. Following the instructions I place the turkey inside the oven to roast. I grab my phone and ring Alejandro. I wait a few rings and he does not pick up the phone. I wait about another hour then call again, still no answer. He rings back a several minutes sounding annoyed and intoxicated, listening to his slurred drunk sounding voice, he cusses me out on the phone. I knew it was a inappropriate time to invite him for dinner. Disappointed I take out the turkey, place it on the counter top to cool off. "Maybe, I'll just invite him another time." A few hours pass by and I'm lying across the table with a half eaten turkey besides me. I decide to log into tumblr, my friend posts a gif about a girl humping a chair, I fall to the ground laughing because who would actually get physical with a chair? My friend sends me a link to the whole movie on some strange porn site and I literally question what is life. I thought "Hey, maybe if I send Alejandro a video of me imitating the video he would get turned on". I smirk at that thought.

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