3. An Akuma And A Villain.

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Lukas POV.

Rejected. That's how I was feeling. That was what I was. I was honestly hoping that we could've been something. Maybe I wasn't enough for her.

She was probably out of my league anyway.

Everything about Marinette fascinated me. Her dark, midnight blue contrasted with her sky blue eyes. It was if she was both night and day wrapped in one magical being. Her fair pink skin somehow seemed to hot to touch, like a wild fire. Her lips looked smooth as marble, but I bet if I were to kiss them they would light up my soul. She appeared as sweet as candy, but there was a certain spice to her as well. She was complex and simple all together. I wouldn't say I love her, but I was definitely infatuated with her. It was more like discovering a new show, and wanting to know more about it.

I sat down and began to strum my guitar, trying to convey my feelings of my heart into music. It was therapeutic for me.

Who does she have feelings for? Why couldn't it be me? This was genuinely upsetting me the more I thought about it.

Hawk Moths POV.

Negative emotions suddenly began to emerge into the atmosphere, and my akumas immediately got visibly agitated. Theres always a lot of negative emotions floating around, but my akumas always respond to a certain type of energy.

"Ahhh... A lover scorned by a beautiful girl." I sighed. "Such easy prey for my akuma." The white akuma fluttered into my palm, I closed it carefully with my other hand and concentrated on evilizing it. The once pure, white akuma absorbed the evil energy like a sponge and turned a purple/black color. I released it let it fly away.

"Fly away my little akuma, and evilize him!"

Off it went to my next victim. Hopefully this time I would achieve my goal.

Lukas POV.

No matter how much different tunes I tried playing, nothing quite matched what I felt inside. If only I- if only everyone could play the true song in their hearts. I was bummed out, of course. How pathetic do you have to be when a girl only agrees to go out with you to avoid embarrassing you.

Suddenly, a flash of darkness flew right me and went into my guitar. I barely had time to register what was happening. But I knew enough to know what was going on. I was going to be akumatized. No! After what happened to my mom I wouldn't let the same thing happen to me.

'Hello, Metal Heart. I am Hawk Moth-'

"I know who you are! I won't let you use me to hurt anyone!" I yelled, putting my hands on my ears. I knew it wouldn't help, because the voice was coming from inside my head.

"Who said anything about hurting anyone?" He tsked, "No, I want to grant you the power to let people say what actually in their hearts. All you have to do is get Ladybugs and Cat Noirs Miraculous."

I fought for a few more seconds, and then...

Complete and utter darkness.

Metal Hearts POV.

"Yes Hawk Moth." I said, dark energy surging over my body. I was no longer that fragile hearted Luka. I was now Metal Heart.

Marinettes POV.

"You really think we could still be friends?" I ask Alya after telling her the story. We were sitting comfortably on Ninos couch, while the rest of our classmates and some other kids from our school danced and talked around us.

She nodded, "He has to, girl. Lukas a good guy. No way will he bear a grudge. It's the same like what happened with Nathaniel. After that whole awkward situation you guys became friends again, right?" I nodded. "Just give it some time okay."

I sighed, glad I told her everything, "Okay."

"I still can't believe you jokers won." Chloe ranted, "Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous."

"You have to admit, they were pretty awesome Chloe." Nino said, tossing a chip into his mouth. He successfully caught it and Kim patted him on his back.

"Never. I was taught to never lie." She huffed. I rolled my eyes. Typical Chloe.

"Should've been taught to never sing." Kim deadpanned.

"Lets see if that's really in your heart, Chloe." A familar voice said. I looked around and saw a strange boy standing in the doorway with a guitar. He skin was a pale blue, his hair was dark all over with a single white like running through it. He wore a full body suit with different designs on it, colors ranging from black to blue. A dark blue blazer with little metal hearts covered his chest. His eyes were a dark grey, it made it look as if there was storm inside him. He used his pic and dragged it across his guitar, sending a visible sound wave towards Chloe.

It touch her, and her body vibrated slightly then she yelled,

"I actually like Kitty Sections performance
It was actually kinda cool
And when I heard Luka sing
I seriously wanted to drool.

Hey! You're not allowed to make me say what I actually think- ahh!" Chloe screeched, her entire body turning to metal from the top down.

The boy laughed obnoxiously, "I'm flattered that Ms Chloe thinks so highly of my voice." He said, "But I'll have to pass. Sorry."

Juleka caught it the same time I did, "Luka? Is that you?" She gasped.

"Luka isn't here at the moment. This is Metal Heart. Now, who's next?" He looked around briefly. "You!"

The next wave hit Nino, and Ninos entire body tensed up,

"I'm not sure if the thing from my heart
Is the right thing to say
But Alya I am so inlove with you
You take my breath away

Dude, C'mon-" Nino began to say, only for his protests to be cut short by his entire body turning to metal.

"Nino!" Alya screeched, rushing to him. She accidently tripped, luckily she fell on Ninos statue and he'd it close to her chest. Metal Heart wasted no time and sent a sound wave towards her.

"Nino, I never told you this
But I love you too
Can't believe I'm saying this,
But without you, I don't know what I would do."

With that, she froze over.

Half of me wanted to scream. The other half knew better than that. Luka was akumatized after I told him off, which means he took what I said harder than expected. He was probably looking for me too. Why else would he come to the party specifically?

Adrien's POV

Why did Luka get akumatized? He was fine the last time I saw him. What could've happened between now and then?

There was no time to answer those questions now though. After Alya got metal plastered all over her body, I ran into Nino room and shut the door behind me.

Plagg came out, "What was that all about?" He asked.

"No time to ask questions, we need to stop him now Plagg!" I urged, all he did was roll his eyes and sighed.

"Just get on with it already."

"Plagg, claws out!"

I will be posting at random, keep watch!
It took me 5 hours to write this chapter. *sigh * But its 1 in the morning so I'm gonna hit the hay😪 please point out any errors (e.g no quotation marks etc)

Also I sincerely apologize to anyone who thinks Lukas villain is lame/unoriginal. I tried my best.

Also decided to throw in some NinoAlya since ilovethemsodarnmuch.

Thankoo to whoever it reading this. Iloveyoulotsomg.😗

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