4. A Fight And A Blush.

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Marinettes POV.

People began panicking and tried their best to exit the building without getting hit, but many did not escape. I ran out onto the balcony and closed the door behind me. Tikki immediately came out of my bag.

"Oh no Tikki." I sighed, "What have I done?" I knew it wasn't the time to ask questions but I couldn't help it.

"It's not your fault Marinette. Besides, consider yourself lucky he didn't get you. You could've revealed you're Ladybug and confessed your feelings for Adrien." She said. "You couldn't have known he would've been akumatized. Now all you can do is help him get out of Hawk Moths control."

"You're right. Time to transform. Tikki, spots on!" Red and black energy covered my body, forcing me to stretch out my limbs. The feeling was totally electrifying. First it covered my right arm, then my left travelled down my legs until I was in full Ladybug costume. My purse became a yoyo and a mask formed covering the area around my eyes.

Ninos house was much quieter than before, and when I went inside Metal Heart was gone and there was just a bunch of metal statues of my peers there.

"Oh no." I whispered, "Juleka. Rose. Sabrina. Kim. Max. He almost got everyone."

"Hello Ladybug." A voice from behind me said causing my entire body to become rigid. "How's it going?"

I immediately turned around, only to see Chat Noir standing there, with a stupid smirk on his face. Thank goodness. "Chat Noir you're here too." My body visibly relaxed. "Where's the akuma victim?"

"I have no idea. I came here and he was gone, all he left was all these statues." He replied. "His name is Metal Heart by the way. A sound wave hits his victim, they sing what is in their hearts then metal covers their bodies."

"I see. We're going to stop him before theres statues all over Paris."

"Yes but you're forgetting one thing. We're gonna have to locate him first."

"That will be the easy part. All we have to do, is follow the sounds of people's hearts." I say opening Ninos front door.

"Or just the trail of metal bodies." He said smartly.


Finding Metal Heart was easy. We literally followed a trail of metal statues. Like Chat said. Metal Heart was playing his guitar, sitting on the Eiffel Tower, looking down at everyone.

"Chat Noir! Ladybug!" He strummed his guitar. "Where are you?" He taunted.

Chat and I ducked behind the city bus to discuss a strategy.

"What do we do, LB?" Chat Noir asked.

I considered his question for a second. I honestly had no idea. "Well, the akuma is most likely in his guitar or pic. So we'll just have to draw him out and get it from him."

Chat Noir jumped on top of the bus and yelled, "Hey Metal Head!" I slapped my forehead. We haven't even talked about the plan throughly yet. Metal Heart immediately looked at him. "I don't feline having a cat fight today. So how about you give up the akuma." Metal Heart responded by sending a wave towards Chat. Chat dodged it successfully. Metal Heart sent a bunch of waves and Chat managed to dodge all of it. "M'lady now would be a good time!"

I stood up, and threw my yoyo as if it was a baseball. It flew it the air and managed to get hold of his guitar. Before I had the chance to pull the guitar out if his hand, he pull my yoyo, pulling me in instead. I flew through the air as if I was a paper plane and landed into his arms. His gripped my left arm and said, "You're the most annoying insect. Lets take these pesky earrings off, shall we?" I tried pulling away but he was stronger than I was physically. As I was preparing to plead with him to give me his akuma, I looked in his eyes and saw just how much I hurt him.

Luckily for me, I had a black cat on my side and he wasn't bad luck. He kicked Metal Heart, and Metal Heart fell to the ground. "You okay, LB?" Chat asks.

Oh no Chat is distracted! "Now's not the time, grab his guitar!" I yelled. It was too late. Metal Heart was on his feet again, visibly irritated.

"Just give it up already!" Metal Heart said, clearing frustrated.

"What happened Luka?" Chat asks. "You were fine just a minute ago. What happened between now and then?"

Adrien's POV.

"What happened Luka?" I asked him. "You were fine just a minute ago. What happened between now and then?

"I'll tell you what happened." He said, light was gone from his eyes. "I got my heartbroken. All because cause I wasn't in her heart. That'll change soon."

"Who? Marinette? What are you talking about? She agreed to go out with you. I saw she said yes on stage."

"She told me afterwards she just said it to avoid embarrassing me..." He trailed off. "It doesn't matter anymore!"

"But just because you can hear whats in her heart doesn't change anything." Ladybug said.

"That's where you're wrong. I have the power of persuasion as well."

Ladybug clearly got it faster than I did. "So you're force her to love you? Trick me- uh- her with a song? Don't you see how wrong that Is?" She asked desperately.

Is it wrong to say I felt slightly relieved to hear him say that? The feeling in my chest earlier completely evaporated and I felt normal again. Why did it affect me so much though?

"I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you." Ladybug said, "Just please, please give us your akuma!" She pleaded. Now, it could've been my imagination, but it sounded like she was close to tears.

"No!" He sent sound waves our way and we immediately dodged them.

"Chat Noir! Follow me!" Ladybug urged. I did as I was told and pretty soon, we got rid of Metal Heart.

"We need a solid plan."

"Why do you think she wouldn't go out with?" I ask, ignoring her statement. "Lukas a cool guy so I'm confused as to why she would-" I took one look at Ladybugs annoyed face and I stop rumbling immediately. "Sorry, not the time.How about we use your lucky charm for a clue on what to do?"

"You're right." She stood up, threw her yoyo up high and yelled, "Lucky charm!" It was suspended in the air, then a large circular red object covered in black dots fell into her hand.

"What the heck are we suppose to do with that?" I questioned. I really didn't get her lucky charms sometimes and I was genuinely amazed that she always found a way to use them.

She looked around skeptically and her eyes widened slightly, basically confirming she had an idea. "Its the top trash can. I think I know what to with this. I'll explain on the way." Just as she was about to take off she said, "Just don't get hit by the waves." She winked.

"Ahhh, but M'Ladybug... I don't need help telling you the song of my heart, you already know its you." I returned her wink.

And I swear, when I said that she blushed.


Another Chapter, done! I swear I saw one vote on one of my previous chapters and it motivated to write another one lol. I also changed the title of the story to something more suitable. Just need a proper cover page *sigh*

Thankoo for reading and supporting!😄

^Follow NoirPuns on instagram for the cutest Miraculous gif sets/memes ever!!!

Metal Heart: ADVENTURES OF LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR.Where stories live. Discover now