chapter 5-First kiss

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It has been 3 weeks since Lexi, Emma, Katie and Leigh have seen the boys so they all decide to have girls night in at Lexi's, they were watching funny movies and scary films with loads of food such as popcorn, haribo's, Minstrels, Pringles, Malteasers, Pizza, different flavoured crisps and more.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and when Lexi went to answer it she saw Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton at the door and just ran into Luke's arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek. All the boys walked in the house and Emma ran to Michael, Katie ran to Ashton and Leigh ran to Calum with happiness also given them kisses on the cheek.

The boys stayed for a while and all the girls cuddled into the boys sharing their food, time flew and the boys had to leave because they had to be up early to practise coming up with a song so when they left they gave the girls kisses on the lips which felt magical for them all.

A few days later the boys text the girls saying " do you want to go the beach for a relaxing day out and they replied saying "sure let is get ready and we wont be long where should we meet you?".

Luke texted Lexi and said " meet us Roker beach next to the arcade".

"OK see you there bye" she said.

"Bye" he said.

i know it was a little short but hopefully the next chapter will be longer and will post it soon.

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