Story 16: Asta x Reader

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(Red String AU)

You had been born without the red string. The red string of fate.. The red string that tied you to a person from the time of your birth to your death. You never had the string. For as long as you could remember,you were alone in the world with that.. You were a seer; someone who saw everyone else's strings. All seers were born with the string,but for some reason you weren't.. This hurt your mother and father's reputation,leading them to abandon you at a church when you were only four years old. You had only been six when you first asked that stupid question.

"What's a soulmate..?" You asked,looking up at your adoptive father. His eyes widened a bit. Most classes taught kids about them..

"Well.. A soulmate is the person your destined to meet. It's why we all have the string. Your mother and I are soulmates,and one day you'll find yours." He said.

"But I don't have the string.." You said,frowning.

"Of course you do silly. You probably can't see it yet." He said,ruffling your hair. "Now go play." He said. You ran off as he went to talk to your mother. By the time you were in highschool,you had a close bond with your adoptive mother. She was always telling you that it would be okay if you never met your soulmate,preparing you for the worst. But you didn't listen.

"Has the string appeared yet?" She asked. You shook your head and she frowned. "Hey,it'll happen any day now." She said.

"But what if it doesn't..? What if he died in birth or something? What if it's just that I'm not good enough!?" You shouted. She sighed and shook her head.

"You'll have to wait and see." She said. You frowned and shook your head as you stormed up to your room. The door slammed shut as you locked it,closing the shades and flopping down in a corner. Your phone lit up. It was a text from your best-friend saying she was driving up to meet her brother. She wanted you to come along,so you reluctantly agreed.

The next day,you were in the car with her,singing along sloppily to song lyrics. You had face paint all over your face,your hair messy and out of place. You rarely allowed yourself to look so odd. But you were with her,so it didn't matter. As the car slowed to a stop outside of a house,the two of you hopped out.

"Come on,hurry!" She yelled,running inside excitedly. You followed her,curious about how her brother looked.

She threw open the door loudly,shouting her brother's name. "Yuno!" She yelled.

You peered into the house,seeing her brother walk in through the back door. Beside him was a boy with messy hair that reminded you of the sand on a beach at the perfect time of day,and green eyes. He was adorable.. You looked down suddenly when you felt a new pressure on your hand.

"Th-the string..!?" The boy yelled. "Woah,so cool..! So I do have a soul mate! See that,Yuno!?" He shouted,bolting towards you. You stumbled back,cheeks red. Your friend stepped in front of you protectively.

"Listen here,Asta! She doesn't have a soul mate,or a string at all!" She snapped,looking annoyed.

"Of course she does. Mine just appeared for the first time,and it leads straight to her." He said. She looked at you for confirmation,and once you nodded,a loud scream echoed through the house.

"Ahh,this is so great..! You finally have a soulmate!!! You won't be alone when you're older or die in a hospital without anyone there!" She shouted. You looked even more embarrassed as Asta grinned.

"You two are going to be so cute together!" She yelled,shoving you towards him. She yanked out her phone and took a picture,a huge grin on her face.

"Yuno,aren't they just the cutest!?" She asked. He sweat-dropped,looking embarrassed.

"You should probably leave them alone.." He said. She shook her head and grinned.

"I wanna see them cuddle and kiss and fall in love and get married and me be the maid of honor and then me catching the bouquet and hear you give a best man speech all about how Asta is an idiot and... And.. AHHHH! It'll just be so cute!" She shouted as she began to go off into her little land inside her head.

"You two go spend some time together." Yuno said,sighing a bit. "Asta,don't do anything stupid."

"Hey,I'm not stupid!" He yelled,grabbing your hand. "See ya later Yuno!" He shouted,dragging you out.

You stumbled after him,cheeks red as he lead the way down the sidewalk. "W-where are we going exactly...?" You asked,a bit worried about what his answer could even possibly be.

"Well,we're gonna go somewhere couples usually go.." He said,tilting his head as he thought of a place. "We could go to the gym!" He shouted.

"No way.." You said,rolling your eyes.

"Then how about the movies!?" He asked.

"It's too boring." You muttered.

"Well then how about a walk in the park...?" He asked,his enthusiasm dying down.

"I'd rather just go to a bookstore and choosing a book for one another.." You admitted.

"Woah,really!? That's cool! But I don't really like to read that much.." He said. You frowned. "But we'll go! I mean,maybe it'll be something interesting for once.." He said. You cheered and followed as he lead the way to the nearest bookstore.

When you walked in,it was like you were in a different dimension. Bookcases full of books lined every wall,towering far above you. You bolted over and began to skim through one of them,eyes wide as you quickly read through it. You had loved reading ever since you were a child.

"So tell me about yourself!" Asta said loudly. The other patrons glared and shushed him loudly,making you blush at the attention.

"Well,nobody's really sure when my actual birthday is since I was left at the church as a kid. After that I was raised by the preacher,who is a great friend now." You told him quietly. "I don't have many friends because I'm more into reading and the arts then anything else."

"I was left at a church too! Except I was a baby when it happened,not a kid. I never got to know my parents!" He said cheerfully.

"Why do you sound happy about that...?" You asked,a bit confused.

"Well why wouldn't I be? Yuno and I met because he went to the church one day to take pictures. That's how I met my bestfriend,and through him I managed to meet you." He said,grinning. Your cheeks turned red as you averted your gaze.

"J-just go pick a book for me to read.." You said,walking away. He smiled and walked off. Half an hour later both of you walked over,giving one another the books. You'd chosen a book for him about a wizard and a boy with no magic,while he had chosen a book about a misunderstood dragon that was attacking the castle because he loved the princess that lived there.

When you went to check out,you had your nose buried in the book already,your eyes scanning over the page. Asta paid for both of you,and then he lead you back to Yuno's house.

"Well I'd better get going." He said as you reached the front door. "My mom expects me home soon." He said.

"Well it was ni-.." You were cut off when Asta grabbed your chin and kissed you,making your face turn red and your mind race. You felt the stereotypical butterflies in your stomach..

You had finally kissed your soulmate.

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