Story 41: Asta x Reader

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Little seven year old (First Name) was always quiet. She had come to this village with a mission. She was special. Big brother said that,so it had to be true. He was all she knew. He had raised her with the utmost care,teaching his younger sister the craft of using the water magic they were lucky to have been gifted. Nobody could have expected it. A seven year old girl,shorter than almost all the kids her own age,was a rare talent.

She had been born into the (Last Name) family,which had been thought to die off years ago. She was the incarnation of their will. She was the will of the water,the guiding force of life at the tender age of seven. When she had shown up in Hage village,everyone seemed terrified. They had no clue what to think,so they left her to suffer. Instead of helping her,they walked away. She was there to kill Asta,and that was her focus.

She thought that until she met him,at least. She thought she was fine all alone during the day.

She realized she wasn't when she saw him training with his 'brother'. She watched,her eyes wide. The way they trained was much like how she and her older brother did,except she never landed a hit on him.. The boys in front of her were the same age she was..

"Oh,hey there!" Asta shouted,waving at her and grinning when he spotted her. Her eyes widened and she climbed down the tree,the last branch snapping. She tumbled to the ground,wincing at the force. Asta let out an awkward laugh and held out his hand to help her up.

"Thank you.." She muttered,taking his hand. He pulled her up and grinned.

"Of course. You should really be more careful.. Sister Lilly is always yelling at me about climbing trees." He said. "She says I could get hurt really badly by doing it."

"I'll keep that in mind then.. Thank you." She said,bowing. He just nodded and then went back to training with Yuno.

That night,(First Name) thought about his words. She was always exhausted from training with her older brother,but this Asta kid was excited for training.. She found it odd.

By the time the morning came,she was almost ready to collapse from exhaustion. Her older brother had made her train all night,but her resolve was already faltering. When Asta found her,it only furthered her doubts.

"Hey,you're that girl from yesterday! I never introduced myself! I'm Asta,and I'm gonna be the Wizard King someday!" He said as he ran over to her. "After that,I'm gonna marry Sister Lilly!" He added. She just giggled,unable to help herself.

"Sister? Like a nun? You know they can't marry,right?" She asked. He nodded and gave an even bigger grin.

"That's why I'll never give up on her! Or any of my dreams!" He shouted. "I'll be the Wizard King and then she can't deny when I ask her to marry me!" He said. She covered her mouth,giggling into her hand and shaking her head.

"You're pretty stupid.." She pointed out.

"You haven't seen her! She's super pretty!" He said. He grabbed her hand and ran to the church,pulling the stumbling girl with him. She followed him reluctantly.

"Where are you dragging me?" She asked,frowning.

"To meet my family of course!" He said. He lead her to the church,pushing the door open. Her eyes widened as she looked at the group of orphans that Asta lived with. The only one to really look at him twice was the nun who was probably Sister Lilly.

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