Story 28: Rill x Reader

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(For story purposes I'm going to be creating a few more people on the Azure Deer squad)

"Would you just stay still!?" Rill shouted. The woman before him was quite beautiful,hence why the young captain had wanted to paint her.

"S-sorry captain!" She said,returning to her original position. He finished the painting soon afterwards and showed it to her,grinning when she said it was pretty. 

"I know it is. I painted it after all." He said cockily. She giggled at that and stood up,stretching.

"I'll leave you be now." She said,walking out. Rill grinned and began to work on his next masterpiece. As he painted,he zoned out,painting away happily. He didn't realize what he was painting until he finished it days later. It was the two of them,staring up at the night sky with grins plastered on their faces. He shook his head and sighed a bit,putting it away so it couldn't be found.

"Walter,go fetch me some food." He ordered. The butler bowed and walked out,leaving Rill there alone. He sighed and began to paint again,this time painting a huge sea that was full of wonderful creatures. He shook his head,realizing he'd painted (First Name) as what was know as a mermaid. It appeared he was in a slump. He added a whirlpool to the piece silently,growling a bit. The door opened suddenly and he activated his magic angrily,summoning the whirlpool to attack whoever was there. He turned when he heard a yelp and sighed,snapping his fingers to deactivate the magic. It was just (First Name),after all.. "What do you want?"

"I thought I'd tell you I'm going out for tonight." She said.

"With who?" He growled.

"Just Zero to go into town. They opened a new place. See you captain." She said,walking out. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah,you'll see me tonight when I break up this date of yours." He said coldly. He prepared himself to follow her silently,smirking a little. He knew the man she was talking about,as well as the place.

That night,he was the one waiting for her when she walked into the room. She was stunning in the dress she was wearing,her hair out of the way so her eyes were showing. He had used his magic to make him look like Zero after the real Zero had agreed to let him have the night with (First Name). It was Zero's loss anyways. The little date went off without a hitch,and that night Rill acted casual when she explained her date with 'Zero' to him.

Walter was the first to notice the captain's newfound affection for the young woman. He also noticed all of the paintings his young master had done of the pretty lady. He was quite excited to see his young master find a woman,let alone one who was into the arts as well.

Alas,Rill was terrible at flirting. The young captain was much too childish and art-obsessed to have ever paid even the slightest attention to how women and men interact.

"Hey,Walter. Do you think (First Name) would be mad if I asked her to let me paint her naked?" Rill asked casually. He looked confused when the old man spat water everywhere in shock.

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