Ch.18 Wonder

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(Hiccup) As soon as Hiccup had finished doing his deed, he went back outside where he brushed his hands against his clothes while letting out a sigh.

"That was a lot of vomit," he remarked just as Astrid came out from the house while wiping her mouth.

"Sorry about that" she mumbled.

"Don't worry about it" he assured with a small smile "Because pretty soon you're gonna have some baby vomit to clean up."

"Yeah I thought so" she sighed while rubbing her stomach "So uh, about what you told me earlier of the whole being chosen thing, when exactly are you gonna be, well, fighting this Pitch guy?"

"I have no idea" he sighed "I'm still waiting for a sign or something."

All of a sudden they heard a loud crash from above as they looked up to see North's sleigh soaring through the sky.

"What in Thor's name is that?" Astrid gasped.

"I think I have a feeling" Hiccup muttered as they could hear the sounds of Merida and Rapunzel shouting with excitement as the sleigh landed in the woods behind their house.

Once they had landed, the girls let out big breaths while feeling the energy rushing through them.

"That was amazing!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

"I told you it'd be fun!" Merida grinned.

"I'm surprised neither of you girls vomited like Bunny did the first time," North remarked just as Hiccup and Astrid arrived at the scene.

"Whoa" they gasped at the sleigh.

"Oh hi, Hiccup" Merida waved as she stepped out from the sleigh "You have got to try out this sleigh."

"Well, I do ride a dragon so I kinda already know what it's like."

"Is that Merida?" Astrid asked.

"Indeed I am" Merida smiled as she went up to her "You must be Astrid."

"I am."

"Well Hiccup used to talk about you all the time when we were kids" she smirked.

"I had a feeling" Astrid smirked back as Hiccup gave a bashful smile.

"Ow ow ow" they turned to see Rapunzel trying to pry her hair out from the sleigh that had gotten caught in it.

"And I'm guessing you're Rapunzel" Astrid spoke.

"Yep," she replied as she managed to pull her hair out while rubbing her scalp "Well that hurt."

"So what are you guys doing here?" Hiccup asked.

"We're gathering everyone for a little meeting" Merida explained "Although where's your dragon? I wanna meet him."

"He's with the other dragons right now."

"You can meet the dragons later" North spoke, "Right now we gotta get everyone else."

Hiccup turned to Astrid "Tell everyone I'll be back okay?"

"Will do" she promised as he climbed into the sleigh along with Merida and Rapunzel.

"You might wanna hang on for this" Rapunzel advised.

"Where?" he questioned.

But before she could answer, the sleigh soon took off into the air as Hiccup grabbed onto the edge of the sleigh tightly.

"I already prefer my dragon!" he screamed.


(Jack) Back in Burgess again, Jack rested on the roof of Jamie's house as he gazed out at the children who were enjoying the snow day. With the Snowglobe in his pocket, he was beginning to wonder if he could do this, be a part of this group to take down Pitch once again. On one hand he had a good feeling he could do it, but on the other hand, Pitch does have more power than before, meaning it's gonna be a lot harder.

"Hi Jack" a familiar voice called that made him jump.

"Huh what?" he responded as he looked down to see Jamie "Oh, hey kiddo."

"You okay?" Jamie asked, "You looked like you were in a deep thought mode."

"Oh um, I'm fine, I've just got some things on my mind."

"You wanna talk about it?"

He thought for a moment, and then shrugged as he flew down and landed in front of his friend.

"Let's talk somewhere private" he suggested.

Now inside Jamie's room, the two sat on the bed as Jamie listened to Jack's story.

"Okay here's the thing-" Jack began "Try not to freak out, but uh, Pitch is kinda, well, back."

"Um, isn't he always around?"

"No I'm not talking about fear, I mean the Pitch Black, is back."

Jamie's eyes widen as he felt his heart drop.

"He's back?!" he gasped "What- how is he back?!"

"It was kinda my fault" Jack confessed with a guilty smile "But that's a long story."

"Does this mean you and the Guardians are gonna have to fight him again?"

"Well actually-" Jack gave a small grin "I'm gonna be joining a new group to take him down."


"No I am not leaving the Guardians, but I am joining a group of special mortals."

"Special mortals."

"I'll tell you about them. First, there's Hiccup who's a Viking and, this is the cool part, he's a Dragon Trainer."

"A Dragon Trainer?" Jamie gasped with a big smile.

"You heard that right" Jack grinned "Dragons are real. Or maybe used to be real? I'm not entirely sure. But anyway, there's him. Then there's Merida, a Scottish princess who's also a skilled archer, and has really crazy red hair."

"Well Scotland is filled with redheads" Jamie stated, "Who else?"

"There's Rapunzel-".

"Wait, hold on" he cut in "Rapunzel? You mean the princess with the long hair?"

"That's the one."

"But I thought she was just a fairy tale."

"And you thought I didn't exist" Jack reminded with a smirk.

"... Touche."

Jack gave a snicker before continuing "But there's something special about her, her hair has magic healing powers, it can heal any wounds, even fatal ones."

"Whoa" Jamie breathed amused "Talk about a miracle. Anyone else?"

"Well-" Jack felt himself smiling again at the thought of her "There is one more person. Her name is Elsa, and um, she's known as the Snow Queen."

"The Snow Queen?" Jamie questioned when he suddenly gasped "You mean she also-".

"Has the same powers as me? Yeah. Although she was born with her magic, and she's mortal and very beautiful."

"Oo" the child grinned "You like her don't you?"

"Uh what?" the Guardian froze, not knowing his cheeks were turning pink "No I uh- I just met her."

"Mm-hm" Jamie crossed his arms showing his doubt.

"Jamie..." he complained.

"Hey, I may be a kid, but I know when someone's crushing. And even though you just met her, just give it time."

"You've been watching too many cartoons."

"I'm a kid, it's what I'm best at."

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