Chapter 11

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Sophias POV

"No you cant go its to soon" i said begining to cry.

"I have too, i havent seen them in over 2 years" she said with a sad smile. Amy is leaving to go visit her Grandparents on her motherside. They live far  away from our pack.She doesnt know how long she will be gone. Im going to miss her, me and Leah. I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Im going to miss you" i cried.

"Im going to miss you too" she said holding me. She was set to go all her bags were pack.

"When are you leaving"

"whenever one of the gua-" she was cut off by a knock from someone on the door. I didnt like that so i growled , he could of waited.

"My apologies Luna, but Miss Amy's ride to the airport is here" he said then left. A tear ran down my eye. She' leaving now! I tackled her into a hug and we landed on the beg.

"Take me with youuu! pleasee get me out of here" i pleaded but i  heard a growl and turned around to see Dylan.

"Your not going anywhere" he growled.

"Yeaa Yeaa" i said while i grabbed a bag to help Amy to the car.

"Get those bags from her" Dylan ordered some of the gaurds to take the bags from us. It offended me, like i cant carry anything.

"I got it" i said.

"No give hime the bag" Dylan ordered. While the guard i beleive to be Kobe reached for the bag. I groowled and he immediatley snatched his hand back away from me. I smiled then continued to walk out with the bags in my hand. We made it to te car.

"Im really going to miss you Amy call me or text me everyday okay" i said hugging her tightly.

"Okay i will but Sophia i cant breathe" she said her voice sounded raspy.

"Oh sorry i have to get use to that" i said.

"Okay i got to go bye Dylan bbye Amy " she said while gegtting in the car and closed the door. I waved at her as the car went out of vision. My bestfriend is gone. My wolf even misses her already. I felt arms wrap around me, the sparks told me it was Dylan. I leaned into his touch.

"Come on we have to talk" he said. I just nodded my  head as he guided us inside and to  the living room. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

" So what do we need to talk about?" i asked.

"Oh yea, i want you to move in" he said. What! i cant leave my mom and dad im not ready too.

"I not leaving y parents yet, im not going to move"i said sternly.

"I wasnt asked you im telling you i already spoke to your parents they agreed. " My chest ached. My parents jus let me go.

"How can you go discuss this without me, i have a say inthis Dylan and im not going" i said getting off of him and moving to the other side of the livingroom to go sit down by myself.

"Your stuff is being packed as we speak its too late Sophia. With you being my mate and marked i need you with me, my wolf is dying to be with you 24/7. I thought you would want to but i see you dont but it doesnt matter anymore, your moving here" he said getting up and moved closer to me. I growled at him. Me and my wolf was not happy about this at all. Dylan began to rub my leg. Immediatley i felt the sparks through my skin. I relaxed a little. He put his head between his neck. I soon had the urge to push him off.

"Get off me Dylan, you cant have your way all the time" i said then walked out the house. I herd him growl then footsteps, so i began to run to my car. I hop in then lock the door. I look back up to see a angry Dylan at my window yelling.

"Get out the car Sophia"he yelled banging n the windown.

"Stop banging on my window Dylan your going to break  it!" i yelled starting the car. He was not about to break my new car.

"Dont leave" he growled. He looked raged but he deserved it. I made a 'o really' face and pulled off. I didnt know where i was going, but i had a craving for ice cream. My whole drive there i had a black truck behind me. The scent and heartbeat was familiar it wasnt Dylan for sure because if it was it would be racing. I feel like i know this scent. I pull up to the icecream place, the black truck goes to the back  going out my sight.. I shrugg it i guess the person was going somewhere else.

I walked in and started making my ice cream. Vanilla icecream with caramel, sprinkles and peices of strawberry shortcake. Seems weird but its good trust me. I sat down and began eaing while watching the tv they got in the place. I smelt that scent from the car. I snapped my head to see a tall girl who has platnum blonde hair. She just looks at me strangely.

My wolf began to growl obviously she dont like her now that means i dont either.

"What do you want?" i asked harshly not liking her disturbing me and my ice cream.

"Sophia right?" she asked.

"Yes, and you are?" i asked back.

"Brittney" she said with and evil smirk.

Thats all it took for me and my wolf lashing out.



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