Chapter 8: Escape and captured

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Naruto follows Spence to the loading bay, where the train is in. He hides behind boxes and he watches Spence take out his black bag, taking out a silver case. The case slides opens, revealing vials of the virus and the cure. Blue is the virus and green is the cure. Spence prepares to inject the cure in himself. But before he could, he hears something. Naruto hears it too. They both look around, then they hear rumbling above them. They both look up and to their shock, they see some kind of zombie monster, walking on four legs and on the ceiling. It's red all over and it has a long tongue. 

Naruto: (Whispers) Licker. The early experiment...

Spence: Oh, my gosh.

The licker growls and then, it jumps down. Spence tries to move and run, but it pounces on him. He screams in agony and horror as the creature begins to feed on him. Spence's screams silence as it continues feeding on him. Naruto watches in shock. He ducks down to make sure it doesn't see him. He peaks and sees it begins to grow bigger. He gasps softly and hides. Then, the growling stops and he hears it leaving. He peaks and sees it's gone. Not taking any chances, he stays where he's at. After a few minutes of hiding, he decided to come out. Just then, he sees the others coming down the steps. He sees his mom as she carries an ax. 

Naruto: Mom!

Alice sees him. She smiles and runs to him. She picks him up and hugs him. He hugs her back. They all walk to the train. They see Spence's body by the train and by the silver case. Blood is everywhere. 

Alice: (To the others) Start it up. We'll get the virus. 

They all walk in the train as Alice and Naruto go to the case. Alice pushes a button on the case and it closes it up. They both look at the body. Spence's body has a lot of bite marks all over him. Blood drips out of him. As Alice goes to picks up the case, Spence then comes back to life, screeching at them. They both jump as they back away from him. Naruto clutches his toys as Spence crawls to them. He howls as he grabs Alice's leg. She glares at him. 

Alice: I'm missing you already. 

She raises the ax in the air and slams it into Spence's head, killing him. Naruto smiles. Then he hears Kaplan starting the train. 

Kaplan: Okay. We're in business. Full power! We're leaving! 

Alice continues glaring at the body. Then, she takes off the wedding ring and drops it by the body's hand. She walks to get the case as Naruto gets on the train. After they both get in, the train takes into the tunnel. Naruto goes to give Kaplan the cure as his mother gives it to Rain. He injects it in his arm. Kaplan flinches as the needle is injected in his arm. Naruto then injects the cure in him. 

Naruto: There you go. You'll be fine now. 

Kaplan: (Chuckles) Not bad for a kid.

Naruto smiles. He turns around and frowns as he sees Rain's head drop. His mother panics. She picks up the gun and aims for her forehead. She cocks it and prepares to fire, but then Rain grabs the gun with her hand. Alice gasps. Rain looks at her with an annoyed look. 

Rain: I'm not dead yet. I think I'll have that back. 

She takes the gun from her. Alice laughs, along with Naruto. He falls on his chest, laughing. 

Alice: (Touches her cheek) I could kiss you. 

Naruto: (Laughs, looks at Matt) Scare pranks. I used to do that to my mom all the time. 

Alice looks at him, smiles. He smiles back. Just then, something claws through the wall, claws Matt's arm. He yells in pain as he moves away. Everyone jumps. Naruto sees the licker has followed them. 

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