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o thank
um,,, idk what to say except that i basically posted this b o o k like yesterday?!?!?!? (really 2 days now since it 1 i n t h e f U C k i n g m o r n i n g) um,,
and these fanfics are kinda shitty lmao
oh well.
but aNyways,, tHanc for reading um,,
this is the most views ive got oneany of my books? (well except for that one camp camp oneshots book on my old account bUt lETS NOt TaLK aBouT tHat--)
I'm working on a few other fanfics that might be out tmrow or the next day?? idk,, it depends--
im also working on an animAtion mEmE as in which you may find in a week mayb e????? hEre: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Xul8dVb-VPv8RkO__E9dQ (yes i just fucking self promo-ed my self mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm--)
also um,,
the speedpaint for the cover art is there as well um