((((r.i.p xxx (if he is :/ it seems quite strange...)))))
sO i made an au where it's princi's basics. like the principal of the thing is baldi, and baldi is the principal of the thing (baldi of the maths). b o o m.
also playtime is the bully, gotta sweep is arts and crafters, and vice versa.
idk if it's original or nah,,b u t i m a d e i t--
also sorry this is the 3rd fanfic in a row with the principal aaa im sorry im working on a baldi one-- it's just you dont see many of these princi x reader fanfics-- oh well
lmao mk
to the fanfic)))You walk into the summer school again, like your normal daily routine. You basically can't understand how mr.princi still tolerates you in school. You can't follow his simple rules! not only that, but you can't even do baldi of the maths' maths corretly-- oh well. You wander around the halls, and bump into playtime.
"give me something g r e a t (aka a new j u m p r o p e)" she says. You sigh and hand her the jumprope you bought last night.
"thanks for the generous d o n a t i o n"
"yeah,yeah,yeah. b e a t i t, playtime." you mutter. You've been doing this since day 1, and since its this far in the year, you've basically wasted all your money. what is she even doing with them??? whatever.. You felt like snitching, but snitches get stitche s. So, you just moved on and wandered around the halls.
you realize it's already classtime, so you rush to class. bad idea.
"Y/N, you're late, again. 10th time in a row, when will you learn?" he said, not even looking at you. he paused and turned around.
"detention after school, don't be late. And no running in the halls.double detention now, you should know b e t t e r"
You just sighed and thought, wtf even is double detention??!?!. He went up to the chalkboard and started teaching his normal stuff. You basically zoned out because it's all just the same bs he's been teaching since day 1. But this time, he started to call on people. And he just so decided to call on m e.
"uhhh... y/n? answer my question, please.""uhmmmm w-what? uhhhh....." you quickly spitted out, embarrassed.
"were you not paying attention?" he replied quickly. you tried to lie, but with that glare of his, you couldn't help but tell the truth. (you're a f u c k i n g wizard h a r r y)
"no..sir.." you said looking down, flustered.
"welp, next time, pay attention. The question was: Do you know where not to eat?" He said, repeating himself.
You replied with "the halls, sir"
"Good! that deserves a sticker! :D" he replied, walking up to your desk, smooshing a sticker onto your forhead (refrence? a n y o n e?) "now, who knows what rooms not to enter?"
"the faculty only rooms?" the bully said--
"CoRrECt!" princi screeched, making you get found in your thoughts. "alright, lunchtime now! See you guys next period ," He said, walking over to the door, opening it. He gestured us out the door. As you got out the door, you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. By the principal. You spinned around, just to check if it was him and you weren't hoing fucking c r a z y. You caught him staring at you for a split second, then he just pretended to look at the floor. You rolled your eyes and turned around, then started walking to the cafeteria. Princi, on the other hand, wandered and patrolled the halls. You sat down next to the bully,your best friend and gave him the zesty engery bar you stole from princi.
"thanks bruv" he said. you replied with a 'np'.**time skip to after school*
You came late, like mr.princi told you not to. but you did it, anyway.
"you're late. what did i tell you? tsk. tsk. t s k." he sighed. "lock the door and come up here." he added after a pause. You shivered in fear, but obeyed. He stood up, and towered over you. you just looked down. "look up." he strickly but quietly spoke. You didn't, however."look u p" he said more angrier. This time, you did. He grabbed your cheeks and pressed his lips onto yours and pushed you against the nearest wall. He groped your ass unexpectedly, making you moan. he took advantage of this moment and slipped his tounge in your mouth and explored. You guys somehow didn't notice baldi open the door.
"hey, uh princi? mind if y- oH mY gOd nEvErmINd" he blurted, then cartwheeled out of there. You two parted, confused and embarrassed. Princi sighed.
"Guess you should go, come back tomorrow~"he said, kissing your forehead goodbye.~~~~~~~~~
part 2 coming out in a few hours or something

edutainment games x reader oneshots (slow updates)
Fanfic(description setup updated 7/30/18 °•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•° REQUESTS ARE OPEN °•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°