14||dried tears

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Corbyn *POV*
We were on our ride home. It was full of light laughs or full on conversation between the boys Hunter and I. It looked like Jonah and Hunter got along great he didn't catch feelings which is good because honestly I really ship Jack and Hunter really hard.. I mean either way it's going to work between them like #junter4life.

We were pulling up to our house Daniel and Hunter were still arguing about if a bar of soap fell onto the floor if the soap would be dirty or the floor clean I myself didn't even know how we ended up talking about this but at least it's better then staying quiet.

Hey Dani what are we doing today? If there was nothing planned I might go take a nap I asked

Uhm... we have nothing planned until Zach comes back Daniel checked his phone he didn't look at me he looked at Hunter when explaining it but all she did was look down.

Hey H are you okay? I asked

She didn't reply silence filled the room and that only until Daniel tried changing to subject I didn't budge because as long as there was something wrong with my bestfriend I don't know about nothing can change my mind besides figuring out why.

Daniel only looked at her and back at me I knew he knew why she put her head down once he mentioned Zach's name.

Hunter what's wrong? I ask again trying to get her to tell me.

At this point Jonah was beside me on the couch Hunter was just sitting there her head kept low and her eyes glossy shinner then a Crystal it's self.

If I tell you guys...i'm not sure you would believe me she said while looking up at me.

Why wouldn't I believe you I ask confused

Daniel and Hunter just exchanged looks Daniel giving her a look of reassurance and Hunter a scared exchange

So... while I lived back in Dallas Texas umm... I could already hear the crack in hunters voice and it hurt me seeing that my bestfriend was sad and I couldn't do shit about it.

While I lived in Texas I lived next to the herron's...as in Zach's family..his mother father brother and sister. Me and him were bestfriends. We were so close that we had pair of each other's clothes at each other's houses. Me and Zach would sneak out of the house and did everything we could. We were friends since birth thanks to my older sister Colby..she sadly moved out with her boyfriend Skylar. My mom wasn't always home so Myta was like a mother to me she would even come to the school plays I preformed in but Zach didn't but she came because my mother wouldn't. One day in 6th grade I started catching feelings for Zach we were so close so no duh something would happen. Then.. a couple of years later I started getting really depressed my friend Mercy was there for me but she wasn't as involved as Zach was in my life Zach would be there at 4 in the morning hugging me hoping it would make me stop crying I would get bullied at school and Zach was popular so he would stop it or at least try to but it didn't work. Then a few months after Zach turned 15 August 16 Zach didn't speak to me the whole day I got suspicious because he would usually text me first. I went to his house knocking on his door... Ryan answered it and he told me the news my whole world fell I ran home and cried myself to sleep I cried myself to sleep everyday since that day because he never ever told me why he didn't say goodbye he never said a single word.

By the end of that She was crying and her cheeks stained with dried tears her mascara was all messed up and once she finished she just sat there. I couldn't comprehend why Zach wouldn't tell her anything. I couldn't wrap my head around how this happy young lively girl was truly a book that hasn't been open.

I hugged her so tightly she just sobbed into my shoulder. The boys soon went around to hug her too. Now that I think about it Zach did speak about her everyday. He would cry himself to sleep because of his mistakes I damn well knew it because I was there to comfort him. I didn't know that Hunter was the girl he talked about to me I didn't know she was the girl that meant everything to Zach.

Stay close ~Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now