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"Breyden, you're supposed to be my best friend!" Jazmine shouted as she followed behind Breyden and his two friends.

"Get yo fat ass on. Don't you got a tub of ice cream waiting on you?" Caleb said to her.

Jazmine stopped in her tracks as she let what he said sink in. It killed her whole mood. She turned and walked away towards the restroom. As she walked in the bathroom she saw Raegan, Charlotte and Terry.

"Aw look guys Patrick the Star is crying." Raegan said in a joking manner.

"Awww," Terry and Charlotte said before laughing.

Jazmine tried to walk into the stall until Raegan stopped her.

"This stall for the pretty girls only." Raegan said. "Go cry somewhere else. Like the cafeteria freezer."

Jazmine shook her head and walked out the bathroom and made her way to the auditorium where she sat in one of the chairs and let everything out.

As she sat crying she couldn't think of what she had done to Breyden to make him not like her or want her to be his friend anymore. While she was sitting in the auditorium the bell rang for fourth period and the drama class came in.

Just Jazmines luck Breyden and Caleb are in this class. Jazmine is about to leave when the drama teacher comes to talk to her.

"Are you okay honey? Do you need to go to the nurse?" Mrs. Welch asks her.

"No I'm okay."

"She need to go to the gym." Caleb shouts making the class erupt into laughter.

"Mr. Jenkins! Office now!!" Mrs. Welch shouts.

Jazmine moves around the teacher to leave and make her way her way to storage closet where continues to feel pity for herself.

"What did I do to them? Why are they bullying me? More importantly, why did I have to be fat?" She thought to herself.


"Sheesh!" I heard while walking into the school with Tiny. I looked to see who had said it and it was Quint. We texted most of the night when I got home.

"You not gone give me a hug ma?" He asked me. I walked over to him and his homies giving him a hug. One of his friends nudged him. "Who yo friend?"

"Thats my cousin, Valentine." I tell them.

"Girl don't be giving my government. My name is Tiny only my family can call me Valentine." She said.

"Wassup, Tiny." One of Quints friends said to her.

"Oop." I said noticing him try to hit on her.

Quint grabs my hand and walks me somewhere with him.

"Aye I wanted to ask you something," he started.

"Jaz..." I heard a voice say. It made me cringe which let me know it's someone I don't want to talk to. I looked to see Breyden. "Can I talk to you please?"

"You got some nerve..." I said.

"I'm kind of talking to her right now, Stone." Quint said calling him by his last night like football players do.

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