A new life...

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A year passed. So I'm 9 now. It's been a year. A whole year with out mo- bad. A whole year without anything bad. I slept in alleys and stoll food. I kept running. Always running. Maybe one day I could stop. But not today.

I found this place called 'New York' it's very big. And loud. And crowed. There were alot of kids on the sidewalks and in the parks. Talking about 'summer' so I guess it was some time called, summer.

I found a very tall....tower? No not tower, a building. But I felt drawn to it. Like I wanted to get to the top. The top is alot closer to the sun than I was on the ground. I really liked the sun. Not sure why. I liked the way it felt. Warm. Safe. Like a nice big pair of happy arms embracing me. As if saying 'you're safe right here. dont leave.'

I heard a scream. I dropped to the floor. Clawing my ear afraid of Bad. But bad wasn't there. I calmed and looked to the right where the noise came from. There was a tall snake lady. Scaring. She had fangs. And was yelling at some kids. They looked just a few years older than me. One has black hair and ran skin, boy. Another had long blonde curly hair, girl. With another had light brown hair and ran skin, another girl.

Those kids were fighting that snake lady. Wow. The boy had a sword! It looked gold and sharp. From here I can see that it had some writing on it. I tried to read it. My mind got unfocused and fuzzy. Like a camera lens adjusting. Than it went away. The sword said 'Riptide'. Cool. Rip- to tear or break. Tide- a wave pull in the ocean.

I remember those words and what they mean. So it had to do with tearing something and the ocean. The blonde girl had a dagger. She was fast. And very skilled. And the other girl had a bow and arrow. She was farther away shoring toward the neck and head.

I really liked the girl with the bow and arrow. Like she was like me some how. Not sure why or how but. She just is... The monster looked at me.

Oh no. It yelled "OH ANOTHER THIS ONE DOESN'T HAVE ANY WEAPONS!!" I got scared. I didn't want tiger hurt again. The boy tried to just and slash the snake girl. While the blonde tried to run and stab it. And the bow girl was trying to reach me.

I scream. I dropped to the floor and let loose a high pitch and loud scream. Terrified. Afraid. Not wanting to die.

Everyone froze. Things started to vibrate as I screamed. Easily holding my breathe for that long, not understanding that. The snake woman dropped to the floor. Covering her ears. She didn't like my scream. But I felt tired. Sleepy. The sun was still shinning on me. I felt good. But tired. Wanting to fall asleep in the suns arms.

My eyes started to close. But just then the boy slashed and stabbed the monster and it turned to dust. Walked toward them. And them to me. The blonde girl said "do you think she's a-" I pasted out to tired to Walk further, dropping in the boys arms.

Connor stroll x OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now