A new home...

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I woke up screaming. Vibrating. Ear piercing scream. I was scared and afraid. I didn't know where I was. And I don't remember anything beside the last I know was falling into some boys arms.

I stop screaming when I see a horse. No wait there's a body. A mans body coming from it. Alright. That's it. I'm hallucinating from blood lose. I open my mouth to scream one more time but a hand covers my mouth. "Don't do that again." Someone says, there's that boy. The one that killed the snake lady. Why is he here? What's going on!?

The horse man talks "my name is Chiron I will answer all your questions but you must answer one of mine first. What is your name?" The boy uncovers his hand and I very very quietly say "S-Skylar" Chiron smiled " hello Skylar. Do you have any questions?"

YES I HAVE ALOT OF QUESTIONS! But the first I say "where am I?" He still has that happy look on his face as if he is looking at a child that just said "watch this!" And runs of to do something they find to be amazing. He answers "you are in a place called 'Camp Half Blood' it is a home-" I flinch at this word not liking the home I came from "- for the children of Greek gods" what.

"Then why am I here?" "Because we think you are the child of a god or goddess" says the boy next to me he then looks at me and say "Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon." Who.

"What are the Greek gods?" Chiron looks toward a corner and I see a girl standing there. Watching. I get uncomfortable at thinking of how long she was watching me for. Chiron says "Annabeth? Care to explain?"

She steps forward she has long blonde hair and grey eyes with tan skin. She's the girl from the snake lady too! Just like Percy! The. Where was the other girl? " the Greek gods are being that created all this and us they had great amazing power and some of them had children with mortals-humans and the product is Demi-gods or Half-bloods."

She then list of a LOT of gods which I can't seem to keep track of. When she reaches someone called 'Athena' she smiled proudly. Maybe that's her mom? "Then who would be my dad?" Chiron looks at me and says "dad? Then you have a mortal moth-" "yes. Please don't mention her" he nods and continues "we will not know who your father is until he claims you. Claiming is when your godly parent sends a their symbol over your head claiming you as their own. Where then you would be placed in one of the many cabins we have here. The gods have other children so you might have siblings or half- siblings."

So I'm gonna have brothers or sisters. I never had siblings before. What if they are mean? What if they see my scars? What is they don't like me? What is my dad never claims me? I bet nobody would want me as their daughter.

Percy and Annabeth are both told by Chiron to show me around the camp. It. Is. Huge. Absolutely huge. There's a giant 'u' shape that there are a bunch of different looking cabins. There's a gold caving and a white one with big blocks. There's one with steam coming out the top. Or there's a pink one. But I like the one that the sun seems to hit the most and it has this glowing yellow effect. It's pretty.

Then there are horses! But they don't have guys on the top. They have wings! Percy tells me they are called 'Pegasi' and percy can talk to them! I asked if I can talk to them but only kids like percy can. Then there is a big space that there are kids fighting each other! But I looks like they don't want to hurt the other.

"They are practicing?" Annabeth answers "yep we need to practice so we an fight monsters. Like the one you saw earlier. The snake girl. Yeah she's a monster." I wanted to ask if monsters can look like humans because maybe my mom was a monster.

After the tour they told me it was Friday and that every Friday there is a capture the flag game. Not knowing what that was Annabeth explained. But the game ended already. The red team won. But percy said at night there is a camp fire where people sing songs and just be together.

That sounds really nice after all this. It starts in a while so percy and Annabeth let me rose around discovering things on my own.

I met at lot of people like a girl named Named Clarisse. She was a daughter of Ares, she was mean at first until she pushed me down at one point. I started crying and curled up thinking I was going to get beaten further mumbling "please don't hit me I'm sorry" she felt bad I could tell and picked me up and even said sorry when nobody was looking.

She was nice after that. We became friends by declaring 'If anyone hurts her I will personally rip out your vocal cords!' I don't think people are going to be mean since I have her on my back!

It was nearing the camp fire and I sat next to Clarisse. She said that kids normally get claimed at the camp fire so I might get claimed tonight! But she also said that she doesn't think I will be picked by Ares she said 'no offense but Ares kids are nor annoy alot meaner and tougher.' And I agreed I was non if those things.

But near the last song I looked around happy that these people where I'm friends. My family. I had a family. I started tearing up. I smiled brightly when suddenly it got a bit brighter. Wondering what happened I looked around. Everyone gasped. They stared at me. Did I do something wrong what did I do.

I heard mumbles of :

"that's a sun"

"Apollo right?"

"I knew it"

"I thought she would be an Athena or Demeter"

Then Chiron came out and called attention with "I name Skylar, Daughter of Apollo, the Sun and the arts master!" He knelt and everyone followed lead. my dad was Apollo. The sun.... Then it clicked. That's why I loved how the sun felt for the first time. That's why I liked that certain cabin so much, It was the Apollo cabin.

I had a dad. Tears came. I did have a home.

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