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Last nights killing spree didnt go as planned, turns out the others had already done it by the time we got there, maybe NEXT TIME I wont have to meet any of Fuzzbud's creations again.

Today I have planned to meet someone I wouldnt call us friends as both of us barley talked to each other but yet we knew eachother so well, they were the closest person towards me, lets say they meen the world to me.

~~Leh toime skip to the town/city as ur author is to lazy to write all the boring information needed in a book~~

The streets cold, bitter and silent. I hear a distance cry of a child i walk forwards looking and observing, I look into a allyway from where the child's cry is coming from.

'I wonder what happened'

I see silver and gold spread out on the floor leading to a 11 year old ( Just like GS) and a dead woman, her stomuch full of gold.

I stare not knowing what to do but yet im doing something. I kneel down and open my arms, ( STRANGER DANGER KIDS )  The boy runs into my open arms and I rap my arms around him conforting him although he was the one that did this. A singular tear fall down my face but many run down his. I smile. I pull away from the kid to wipe his tears away. I stand up putting my hand out for him to take, He takes it and we walk away from his mothers dead body.

"What your name?" I ask

"William, and y-yours," William says sniffling

" Im Golden Shadow but please call me Shadow."

" William is there anyone that can take care of you?" I question

"Y-yes my father but he never talks or give me attention so its basically like not having a dad."

"And my Younger sister and Older brother are gone because of dad." William relplies having to sniff between each word he says.

This could be a new friendship, I know I cant bring him to the mansion but I have no where else to put him.

"Where are we going Shadow?"


~~ Another time war-p brought to you by red and green scribbles "dancing" ~~

Now almost to the mansion me and William pass a well...I never rember seeing a well here before...I walk up to it investigating.

A large hand with a tint of red comes out of the well and grabs onto William.

"No!!" I yell.

The well grows another hand and it then grabs onto me, im helpless my hands are at my side while im being squished to death, I look over at William to see hes blacked out.

"SLENDY!!" I shout lounder than I have before.

I see slender apper near me and William but its to late the hands retract taking us with them into the well, my head hits a rock on the side and causes me to pass out.

~~As much as I hate clifthangers im litterly going to find you and throw clifthangers at you non-stop...Ill be around every corner you turn...Hope u all enjoyed this chapter.
Now SH the answer to all your questions will be revealed in the next chapter in which I have wrote out and im planning on writing it on digital dont pressure me to do it or else ill never post it and move onto a complete new irrelevent chapter. 596 words that I think is one of my shortest chapters buh bai~~

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