The Morning After

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Warning: to those who skipped the lemon you are safe. Only mild nudity at the beginning and mentions of suicide and sexual themes.

You woke up and yawned. You felt something between your legs and you lifted the covers to see Masky's leg between yours. Masky... oh god. You heard him grunt and he opened his eyes slowly and you quickly shoved the covers back down. He chuckled and combed your hair with his fingers.
"Do you expect to be fully clothed in the morning after that?" He said teasing you. Damn you forgot how awkward it could be. You slowly sat up and covered your chest with the blanket and bent down and grabbed you underwear off the floor.
"I seriously already seen you naked calm down." He got up and stretched and you looked over as you slipped a large hoody on and some sweats. You gently rubbed your hips and behind. Damn it hurt. You felt strong yet gentle hands on your waist.
"Are you okay?" He rested his head on your shoulder and gently kissed your neck. Your neck was a bit sore also from all the hickeys. You felt his finger gaze your neck.
"I'll have to wear a scarf or turtleneck."
"I like them, I mean it's only fair. I made them after all." You brushed him off and grabbed some clean clothes.
"I need a shower." You said a bit louder than you normally talk. He nodded and continued to get dressed. You held tight to your clothes and opened the door and looked both ways and snuck out to the bathroom. It was clear. You walked in locking the door and grabbing a towel and a wash rag. You undressed and turned on the shower and turned it cold. May as well wake up. You stepped it and let the water caress your skin. You felt stupid for your actions last night. You let yourself drown in the cold water, you spaced out.

You stepped into the kitchen and ate an apple. The pain in your hips subsided a little, you sighed. You felt someone gently tug the bottom of you shirt and looked to your side to see Masky. His head tilted to the side and you heard him whisper "Are you okay?" You nodded and looked down at the counter top. It's not like you're trying to ignore him, it just feels awkward. Did you really want that last night? You did want to forget about your dad.

Your dad!
You began to feel upset and anger. You looked at Masky, he's still staring. "I could've killed him." You said.
"Who do you think?" You snapped back. You saw his shoulders slump a bit and you felt your heart being squeezed. Why do you feel like this? You watched as he turned around and walked away. You felt bad but didn't have the guts go after him. Maybe it's for the best you don't kill your father? Maybe Masky knows something? Or Hoodie? Do they know something? You shook your head and threw the core of the apple away and walked into the living room. Ben looked at you with a smirk. Oh no.
"Heyyy (F/n)! Good morning, how are you feeling?" His smirk still plastered onto his face.
"I'm fine, why do you ask?" You sat down on the couch. Did he hear you and Masky?
"Oh! Babe you're up!" You looked to see Jeff approaching. Then you remembered, you have a room under Jeff's. Oh whoever above help you.
"How are you feeling hm?" He asked and sat down next to you and snaked his arm around your shoulder.
"Don't touch me."
"So I can't touch you? Why not?" He smirked.
"Yeah (F/n), why not?" Ben asked. They're ganging up on you. You sighed. Ben decided to walk over and whisper in your ear. He let out a girlish moan and you pushed him away.
"Leave me the hell alone." You grabbed Jeff's arm and took it off of you but before you could get up Jeff grabbed you and brought you onto his lap so your back was against his chest.
"What the fuck!" You yelled and he grabbed your hands and wrapped his arms around your waist so you couldn't move. He whispered, "Fuck, I'm gonna come..." Ben laughed. You broke from his grip and stood up and slapped him hard across the face. A pink mark was left on his pale skin, his head was completely turned to the side from the force you used. Both Jeff and Ben went silent. Unmoving. Heavy steps approached the living room.
"What's going on?" Hoodie stated. You were breathing heavily from the anger. He told Ben what had happened didn't he? God what a sicko. You felt sick to your stomach, all you wanted to do is to stick a knife into Jeff's neck. Jeff faced you again with smirk, it deformed his face even more.
"Why don't you tell him, hm?"
"Jeff we should just leave it." Ben said, his electronic voice cracked a bit.
"Are you guys going to tell me or not?" Hoodie said. Jeff stood up and matched your glare stepping closer. You were both face to face to the point your noses were only a few inches apart. He was taller than you but that didn't matter.
"Jeff you should back off..." Ben said.
"Shut the fuck up Ben" Jeff said. His voice held rage and a bit of humor. You didn't break eye contact. Eyeless Jack walked in.
"If you two are going to fight, take it outside." He said simply.
"(F/n), back down." Hoodie said. You didn't.
"I'm a little bored, I wouldn't be opposed to it." Jane broke in.
"She slapped me over nothing." Jeff stated.
"Bullshit" you snapped back.
"Hm? Then tell them what happened." You felt the top of your ears heat up. He continued taunting you, "awe are you embarrassed? That real cute babe." Hoodie sighed at Jeff's words.
"Are ya gonna fight or not?" Jane said, she continued "I love drama so either fight or explain what happened."
"Fine I'll explain." Jeff said with a smirk.
"Je-" Ben started but saw how Jeff wouldn't back down. Eyeless Jack and Hoodie stayed quiet. Did they really want to know what happened? Should you back down?
"See our precious little (F/n) here was in a rough situation last night." Jeff said looking down at you.
"Back off." You said.
"Oh ho ho, finally gonna talk?" He said.
"Fuck off." You said glaring up at him.
"I have to fuck off but he can fuck you? That's heart breaking (F/n)." Your eyes went wide and Ben stood up.
"Ooh who was he?" Jane said.
"Aren't we suppose to be on (F/n)'s side?" Clockwork stated.
"You see he, her little love bird is-" before her could even say his name you grabbed him by the hair and brought him down to slam into your knee.
"I said" you continued and slammed him to the floor. You straddled him and punched him hard and brought your fist up.
Hoodie had to drag you off of him as Jack grabbed Jeff and pulled him away also.
"You fuckin' bitch!" Jeff yelled. Your hands covered in a bit of his blood. His nose and lip were bleeding.
"Fuck you!"
"I'd love to fuck you but after you and Masky fucked I don't want sloppy seconds." He smirked. Damn him. You face flushed and everyone went quiet. Both Jeff and you were panting. He started laughing.
"Oh she is so embarrassed! It's adorable. Maybe I won't mind sloppy seconds!" He's truly insane. You kept quiet. You felt Hoodie's grip tighten.
"I wouldn't be surprised if you slept with Hoodie either," he mimicked you "oh Brian I'm want you to fuck me hard!"
"Jeff shut up." Clockwork said.
"What are you a whore too?" He said laughing. You couldn't believe it. Why the hell did this always happen to you. You thought back to your first relationship. How he embarrassed you in front of everyone at a party, calling you his fuck buddy and how you were the other woman.
"Please let me go..." you whispered. Hoodie hesitated but let go. You got up and walked towards the front door.
"Backing down huh?" Jeff said. You stayed silent and opened the door.
"Please don't follow me." You said and walked outside shutting the door. You walked away and into the woods. You wanted to be alone. It's better that way. You probably should've killed yourself back then right? That would've been great, you would have never met Jeff or anyone in the stupid mansion. You walked deeper into the woods and thought back to your past.

"(F/n) come on, please. I want you to see how much I love you." You really did think you loved him. You really did. That night he took you. Your innocence. He had kissed you and told you how he loved you and wanted to be with you. After awhile he started to call you names.
Continuously. Over and over to the point you believed them. You would cry for nights beyond end. When your mom would ask if you're okay you always said,
"I'm fine."

He took you to parties, got you drunk and took you again. You weren't sure if it was a healthy relationship or not. You wanted to be the best for him. It went on for months. He took you to another party, your last with him. He got you drunk and laughed at you with his friends. He kisses another girl and it broke your heart. You confronted him about it and he said
"You're the other girl. What did you think? That I really loved you? You're nobody to me." He laughed at you and so did his friends. You had attempted to leave the party but you were soon beat up by his real girlfriend and her friends. They humiliated you. Cut your hair with scissors and your shirt and called you a slut. You weren't the slut, he was. He's the cheater but she didn't care. You had finally broke away and grabbed your jacket and zipped it up. You ran out and away towards the gas station. Your cheeks were stained with tears. You shivered due to the cold. You felt sick and puked behind someone's bush and wiped your mouth off. You kept walking. You made it to the gas station and walked in looking around. You grabbed some water and a candy bar and the woman looked at you.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, thank you." You smiled. It hurt to smile. She rang up your things and you walked out taking a sip of your water. You walked to the park. You sat on a bench and ate your candy bar. Comfort food. Your tears were still running down your face and you threw the wrapper into the trash beside the bench. You brought your knees to you chest. Sophomore year, how are you going to finish second semester? Not to mention Junior and Senior year. You thought about it. You could drop out?
Or you could end it. A random thought intruded your mind. It didn't sound like your voice at all. You nodded to yourself. Could you? You got up aimlessly and walked away from the bench leaving your water. You looked at the nearby bridge. What does it feel like to fall? Would it hurt? You walked towards it. It was an abandoned one. Old. You walked down the street and stepped onto the road on the bridge. You looked at the guard rails. You popped yourself up and sat on the rail. Would it hurt? Would you feel yourself smack into the water? You stood up onto the rail and looked down. Could you leave your parents?
No you couldn't.
You stepped down quickly and grabbed onto the rail falling to your knees and cried laying your forehead on the concrete. You took out your phone and saw your lock screen. You and your boyfriend— no your ex. You unlocked it and tapped onto the 'phone' button. You called your mom and she immediately picked up.
"Can you pick me up?"

You broke out of your trance when you heard the crackling of fire. You looked up and hid behind a tree. Teens laughing and smiling and drinking. Maybe some college students? You didn't have your knife or anything. Someone caught your eye. They seemed familiar but you couldn't place your finger on it. You watched them and slid down to the ground to rest your head on the tree. He was smiling and throwing more sticks into the fire surrounded by concrete bricks. His eyes met yours. You quickly whipped around and sat up against the tree and held your breath. It was the middle of the day which means he saw you perfectly. Was it Dominick? No he has lighter hair.
"Oi! Come on stranger, did one of the teens bring you?" He was squatted on your left and you turned your head to the right so he couldn't see your face. His voice sounded so familiar, very very familiar. He poked your head and you lifted your head a bit and glanced at him.
"Come on take a drink! No one cares if you're underage." He held a drink up. He's a college student. Maybe in his early twenties? You didn't age much after joining the mansion. You looked at him completely and he paused.
"Have I seen you before?" He said questioning you.
He's seen you before?! His eyes widened.
"(F/n)?" He whispered. Your eyes widened and you looked at him with shock.
"(F/n) it's me... John..."
John... No way no fucking way. He offered you his hand and you flinched. He retreated and sat down completely.
"John..." you whispered.
"You went missing... a long time ago. How are you here? Have you been hiding?" Did he actually care? You stayed quiet.
"Uh should I... should I take you to the police?" You shook your head no and covered his mouth.
"You didn't see me." You got up and started to walk away but he grabbed your hand.
"I'm sorry." You paused and looked at him.
"I'm sorry you lost your mom and..." he paused, "I m-miss you." You flinched. He misses you? Him of all people.

Your very first boyfriend who broke you heart, misses you?

Creepypasta Masky x Reader. [Cheese Cake]Where stories live. Discover now