Give me a Break

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Warning: Foul language 

         Thump, thump, thump.  You awoke hearing your own heart beating and static in your ears. You attempted to open your eyes but the light was so harsh it burned, you squeezed your eyes shut. You heard voices and they were getting louder, you felt something cold on the back of your neck. An icepack you assumed. You could now hear the voices clearly, god they were so loud why can't they shut up? Your head was pounding while you listened. The voices belonged to Jeff and Jane, they were yelling at each other.  Then you heard Nurse Ann  yelling at the both of them. You sighed as you tried to adjust your eyes to the light slowly. After a bit your eyes fully adjusted and you looked around the room, it was your own, you were laying on your bed with an ice pack against the back of your head and you could feel a bandage on your neck where Jeff drew blood. Can I ever get a break from all the fighting? Why won't they shut up. You wanted to be alone, just for a day so you wouldn't have to deal with everyone's bullshit. You groaned and propped yourself up with your elbows first then you managed to sit up. "Shut up" you whispered. No one heard you. You looked around the room to see Hoodie leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and Toby was twitching by the door watching the killers yell at each other. Masky entered the doorway and yelled at them for being too loud. "Shut up" you tried again. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" as you said these words over and over your voice grew louder. They looked at you. You were rubbing your temples and you managed to calm down. Nurse Ann spoke up, "You should lay down you'll hurt yourself". You glared at the woman "I already have a headache from you all yelling" Jane then spoke "Toby said he found you in the hallway with Jeff and he said Jeff knocked you out is it true?" You looked over at the tall, black-haired woman. "Yeah" you rubbed the back of your sore head. Jeff rolled his eyes "I didn't even hit you that hard". You sighed and they started yelling again. "Get out, all of you!" They looked at you and Jane spoke "But your inj-" You swung your legs over the bed and yelled "All of you out! Give me a fucking break. I can't handle this anymore dammit!". They were surprised at your outburst, but they left without saying anything. Masky lingered at the door watching you and then he left. You laid down and you saw some water and ibuprofen on your bedside table. You popped three in your mouth and took a drink of water to get them down. You moved onto your side and touched your bandaged neck. Damn him. You rest your head on your pillow and fell into a deep sleep.


  You awoke feeling the sun's rays on your face. You must have slept in even more. Damn I should get up. You climbed off your bed and changed your clothes and slipped on some slippers. You pulled on your (f/c) sweatshirt and walked out of your room, you made your way to the bathroom and saw Jane doing her makeup. She looked at you and you watched her open her mouth like she was going to say something and then she closed it and looked back at the mirror. You grabbed your toothbrush and brushed your teeth. You wiped your mouth off and walked downstairs yawning. Toby walked up to you twitching like usual. "H-h-how are y-you f-f-f-eeling?" You sighed "Fine I guess" you answered and walked past him ruffling his brown hair and you walked to the living room and looked around seeing that Ben was on his ds and Jeff was on his phone. You saw clockwork messing with the remote and Masky sitting on the couch next to Clockwork. You walked over and sat on the couch separated from Masky by Clockwork since she was sitting in the middle. Masky spoke "You're pretty damn lazy slept for most of the day yesterday and woke up late today". You looked over at him and sighed deeply "I don't have the effort to argue right now, you win." he raised an eyebrow at you under his mask and he shrugged and looked at the TV. You were glad he didn't respond after that. Ben leaned against your legs while he sat on the floor playing his DS. He looked up at you pulling his head back as he paused his game. "I know how to make you feel better" he said seductively winking. You grabbed his head gently and forced him to look back at his DS. He sat there confused. Masky was glaring at the elf under his mask and he clenched his fist. You laid your head on the back on the couch and closed your eyes. Your head felt better, so did your neck thanks to Nurse. " (f/n)" You opened your eyes to see Masky standing in front of you with a small plate. The plate held a single piece of cheese cake and a fork. You looked at him and he gave it to you. "Peace treaty for now". He said. You failed to realize how hungry you actually are. You ate the cheesecake after murmuring a small 'thank you' and Masky made his way back to his seat. Ben once again bent his head back and let it rest on your knees. "I want a bite." He looked at you. You shook your head no while chewing. He watched in horror as you ate the last piece. "You cunt I wanted a piece." You looked at the man. "Tell me, if you were given a game as a gift what if I said can I have it. How would you respond?" He didn't answer and looked back at his game sighing in defeat. You set the plate aside on the  coffee table. You stood up making sure not to hit Ben in the head with your knees and you walked to the library to read and think. Under his white mask, Masky's eyes followed you. 

Creepypasta Masky x Reader. [Cheese Cake]Where stories live. Discover now