Chapter 3

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As one of the maids tightened the corset around my torso, I realised I could not go through this day without speaking to Damon. As I was having these thoughts, my mother barged into the room, a beautiful, deep purple, silo dress in her hands.

"Look what I had made for you, especially for this occasion! Is it not beautiful? I hope Tyler Lockwood will enjoy seeing it on you," she said with a grin.

"Yes, mom, I love it. It truly is gorgeous," I responded, purposely ignoring her remark about Tyler, "do you think I could go for a walk after breakfast? To clear my mind, I promise I will behave around our guest if you give me permission."

"I guess, as long as you are back at least 1 hour before luncheon," she replied, "and do not wonder of too far. Also, please do not ruin that dress, it is so beautiful, and very expensive."

"Of curse mother, I would not dare, especially when Tyler is visiting," I responded sweetly, as I kissed my mother on he cheek as she left, leaving the maid to help me dress in my new dress and do my hair.

After breakfast, I said my goodbyes to my parents and sister, and started the familiar path to he Salvatore mansion, being careful not to stain or tear my dress. As I arrived in my best friend's household, I sighed in relief as m dress was still impeccable. The butler, Anthony, opened the door for me.

"Ms. Maria! How lovely it is to see you again. Would you like me to announce you to Mr. Damon?" he asked, smiling as he saw me.

"No, thank you Anthony, I much prefer surprising him myself," I responded.

I quickly walked through he familiar household, muttering a polite "Hello", every time I thought I recognise a face. As soon as I reached the double doors I knew led outside, I stopped myself from immediately pulling them open, and forced myself to catch my breath and smooth out my dress. After that was done, I finally did pull them open, only to find Damon sitting at the little table where we sometimes had tea, reading my favourite novel, Pride and Prejudice.

"When I came to surprise you, I did not know I would be interrupting such a wonderful read," I said, smiling a little as his eyes looked up to mine at the sound of my voice.

"Maria! How are you? Was your mom upset about the dress? If I dare to say, you look even more wonderful today then you did yesterday," Damon blushed slightly as he complemented me and bombarded me with questions.

" Do not be flattered about it, even though my mother was not too upset about the dress, she has forced me to wear this one today, because she has found me a potential suitor, one I do not care for, and I am doubting if I ever will," I sadly said.

"You have made me curious. May I ask, who is this young gentleman you so dread to spend time with?" He asked, smirking slightly.

"If you must know, it is Tyler Lockwood. A great suitor in my mother's eyes. She even mentioned marriage yesterday," I explained to him, ignoring his shocked face.

"Has your mother gone mad? Does she know the history Lockwood men have with their wives? And how can your father allow all of this? Are you seriously going to marry him?" he did not stop interrogating me until I was overwhelmed, and fell back on a chair that was luckily behind me. I should not have eaten a plain peace of bread before coming here.

"Maria! Are you well? You look very pale," he asked, his voice dripping with worry.

"I am fine. Just a bit light-headed. May I please have some water?" I questioned, speaking quietly.

"Of course, I will go get it myself," he added, running to the kitchen.

When he came back, he carried in his hands a glass of water and some bread with cheese.

"Thank you, Damon," I said sincerely, as I took a small sip of water, and an even smaller bite off he bread.

"You are most welcome. And I am terribly sorry for questioning you like that, I did not mean to upset you. It is none of my business," he apologised.

"It's fine, Damon, you were just expressing your concern. You are,after all, my best friend. And we all know of he rumours about the Lockwood's, let us hope they are just rumours. Going back to that conversation, I do not blame my parents. They are just as concerned as you are, or have you forgotten that because I am a lady, if I don't find a suitable husband, when my father dies, I do not get to inherit anything, and it goes straight to a cousin we barely see once a year?" I asked, slightly upset.

"I know, and I truly am sorry. I just want you to be safe,and possibly happy with whoever you finish with," he whispered.

The clock ticking 11 broke the silence that grew after his honest words, and I slowly got up to leave.

"I better leave, don't want to be late."

"I will escort you," Damon said.

"You don't have to, I know the way," I replied, a small smile playing in my lips.

"Nonsense, it is not proper for a young lady like yourself to be walking this distance alone," he insisted, as he shrugged on his coat so we could leave.

We walked back in a calm pace talking about everything and anything. When we arrived, I thanked Damon for everything, and he wished me good luck, winking my way as he went through the path we had just taken. I then walked inside. dreading what was coming for me after luncheon.

A/N: Hello lovely readers I'm sorry about making you wait, but I was distracted by my friends and the weather. Anyway, here is chapter 3, and with it come 2 questions for you to answer.

1- Should Katherine be in this story?

2- Who would you like to escort Maria to the Ball, Tyler or Damon?

Please leave a comment with your answers to these questions as well as general feedback, and please don't forget to vote and follow.

Disclaimer: I only own Maria and some of the plot, everything else belongs to their rightful owners.

See you soon,

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