The End

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Years have past and now and Scar was showing signs of aging. He was nearing his final years of his life and boy were those years great. Scar was getting arthritis in his joints and can no longer move on his own, his mane was getting gray hairs, and Scar no longer wanted to play in fear of the pain life has gave him. Everyday Maddy would give him pills to help with the joint pains so he can be up and going again. Maddy was also training Scar's replacement for  when he passes on into heaven. Maddy wasn't grieving at all for she nows Scar had a good life while serving as Maddy's animal guardian and had retired Scar to live is final days in peace. Both Malachite and Speckles would visit Scar and he even liked to talked to them. Both Malachite and Speckles had four pups and Maddy and Pedro both had 4 kids. The kids were gentle with the elderly lion and treated him with care. Scar didn't mind that Maddy and Pedro's kids visited him because  that gave him the chance to tell his stories to them. The years have been fun for him; going to parties, protecting Maddy, watching Maddy get married, meeting Maddy's kids, and watching them grow up. He was indeed a very lucky lion to be living, but not for long. 

Sound the bugle now
Play it just for me
As the seasons change
Remember how I used to be

Now I can't go on
I can't even start
I've got nothing left
Just an empty heart

I'm a soldier
Wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me, lead me away
Or leave me lying here

Sound the bugle now
Tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know
That leads to anywhere

Without a light
I fear that I will stumble in the dark
Lay right down
Decide not to go on

Then from on high
Somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls
"Remember who your are"

If you lose yourself
Your courage soon will follow
So be strong tonight
Remember who you are

You're a soldier now
Fighting in a battle
To be free once more
Yeah, that's worth fighting for

With that Scar passed on and the Saabedra family were now mourning his passing as he was laid to rest one final time. Rest In Peace Scar

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