Chapter 3: Is it you?

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A boy who looked about 19 had grabbed Ellie just before she fell into the river. Her charm was burning against her skin. 

Ellie though, 'Why is my charm burning.' He let go of her hand and the burning subsided. It was now just a warmth upon her chest. 'Could this be him?'

Before she could say anything, he said, 'Are you okay?' looking a bit concerned.

'Yes. Yes I think so. That wind was really strong and I wasn't expecting it,' she said feeling her charm and rubbing the area that had been burned. 

He looked at her puzzeled. It started to rain harder. 'We should probably get going if you don't want to be soaked. How far are you going?'

'I don't know actually. I was just walking around looking for the person who owns the other half of my charm. I got here yesterday,' Ellie said holding up her charm.

The boy took out his charm, or what he had of his. There was a crack that shouldn't have been there. However the smooth indents along the side seemed to mirror those of Ellie's. 

'It's you then?' Ellie asked the boy. She took off her charm and the boy did the same. They lined up what they had and sure enough, the pieces fit together. But a forth of the charm was missing.

'Yeah about that, I broke my charm while skateboarding a while back. I've been looking for nearly 2 years now. What am I doing? Uhh do you want to come over to my place to get out of the rain? I can give you some clothes,' the boy said.

'Yeah sure. If you don't mind. I'd love to get out of the rain.'

They ran across the street into an apartment building. He walked in front leading the way up the stairs into an apartment on the third floor.

'You wouldn't believe who I've found, Alex [This is Jordan's brother. I don't know his name so I'm just going with Alex],' he yelled as he opened the door and closing it behind Ellie.

'Who'd you find? The president?' Alex called back jokingly. He was in the kitchen making what one couuld only assume was dinner.

'No,' he laughed. 'I found the girl who owns the other half of my of my charm.'

The noise in the kitchen stopped. Alex stepped out of the kitchen and stared at Ellie. She hadn't gone further than a welcoming mat. She was having a 'deja vu' moment but she didn't know from where.

'Hello uhhh my brother's love whom I don't know the name of,' Alex said with a smile.

'Hi, I never got your name either,' she gestured towards Jordan.

'What?! You didn't introduce each other and you bring her home!?' Alex said.

'It was raining and her hotel was far away. We weren't going to spend another 10 minutes outside introducing ourselves! Anyways,' Jordan said turning towards Ellie. 'I'm Jordan Turner.'

'I'm Ellie. Ellie Byhart. So I guess we're meant to be together now?' Ellie looked shy. And then realized she was having another deja vu moment. That voice reminded her of someone she'd heard before but she couldn't remember where. 

'Woah woah waoh! We barely know each. We have to decide if we could be together by getting to know wach other first,' Jordan said.

'Yeah sorry. I knew that. It's just, this is all new to me still. I mean I only got my charm a few days ago,' Ellie said. She was still thinking about where she had heard his voice and seen his apartment.

'Do you want to change clothes?' Jordan asked. He seemed eager to change the conversation.

'Yeah that'd be great. Anything you have is fine. I don't care about how I look too much,' Ellie said. It was the truth. She knew there would always be girls prettier than her and she would never be loved by so many people. Just her family and Jordan eventually if the charms were right. Ellie liked Jordan. He was cute with his dark green eyes and light brown hair. 

Jordan walked towards his room and gestured for Ellie to follow. His room was small. There was a desk with a computer on it, the black desk chair, and a neatly made bed. 

'Hi Sam!' Jordan said picking up his black cat. 'Ellie, this is Sam. Say hi buddy'

'Hello Sam,' Ellie said petting him. Sam purred.

'He likes you,' Jordan said with a laugh.

Sam jumped out of Jordan's arm and ran into the hallway towards the kitchen. Jordan turned and started to look through his closet for clothes for himself and Ellie. Ellie took the opportunity of him not looking at her to look around his room. She looked at the computer and then to the microphone next to the armchair. And then it hit her.

'Are these-' Jordan but Ellie interuptted.

'You! I can't- OMG' 


Another cliffhanger! You probably hate me right now.  But you can probably guess what happens next. New chapter out soon. Much love <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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