Ch:6 Fuck Steroeotypes Indeed

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The school was empty, so was the parking lot, save from a faded red bicycle against the tree.

It was the weekend and for the thirteenth time I asked myself why I was here. I looked down at the message again.

Meet me at school. We need to talk.

The person who hadn't texted me for a whole freaking year, messaged and asked me to meet up at our school on weekend. Yeah, that doesn't sound suspicious.

But like some sort of lovestruck moron, which I am, I didn't even questioned it. 

I walked inside and I saw him under a  familiar tree, his head ducked down between his hands and his shoulders shaking. I sat down quietly beside him.

"I am sorry. They say I couldn't be your friend, I believed them. I was an idiot, I don't even deserve your friendship. Sorry, Winter." He said, his voice shaky.

I leaned my head over his shoulder, my hand going around his waist.

"Is it normal? Two guys sitting under a tree, crying and discussing emotional shit?" I asked.

He laughed through tears, "Fuck stereotypes."

I smiled, fuck stereotypes indeed.

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