I Dared My Best Friend To End My Life Part 3

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Hello everyone,

As I expected, I didn't have enough time to write about what happened during the day before I could post, so I just left the post as it was and submitted it that night, as you saw at the end of Part 2.

A couple of you pointed out that I say repeatedly that I "started writing this post." I write these when I have time, not all in one sitting. That's why I mention starting to write repeatedly. Sorry for the confusion.

There have been a few other grammatical mistakes that have been pointed out. I'm sorry, stress is running a little high at the moment. Actually, it's extremely high. Don't over analyze my mistakes. They're easy to make right now.

Before I talk about what happened since my last post, I'm going to recount my year-long hiatus after Isaac was killed. It may prove unnecessary, but I know a lot of you are expecting it and want to hear about it.

When I arrived at the apartment after my mom had come and bailed me out of jail, Zander told me Isaac had been murdered. When I heard that, I about lost my shit.

Actually, I did lose my shit. I threw up in the street. My mom, who was regrettably with me, could only watch in horror. She was upset, to say the least, that I was mixed up in a murder plot. It took a long time for me to explain the situation to her. She just couldn't believe it.

Once I was calm, Zander led me a few steps away from my mom as we discussed our next options.

"You should get out of town for a while," Zander suggested. "I don't want you being targeted next."

The idea that David might try to kill me pushed me over the edge again. Guys, I know I came in like a badass at the end of Zander's posts, but that was after months of getting over this moment. When you find out that someone truly might come to kill you, it... changes things. Once you fully grasp the idea, it horrifies you. I had nightmares for a few weeks after.

"You should go and stay with your mom. I'll help you cover up your location." He went silent as a cop passed where we were standing. He watched the officer with suspicion until he was gone.

"We'll make David see this as you abandoning me, and he'll think he's winning."

"He's not here, though. He won't know why I left. He'll be suspicious," I said. Zander shook his head.

"Don't you dare look, do you understand?"

I nodded, my hairs rising on the back of my neck.

"The apartment complex across the road. Third floor, second window from the west side. David's watching from there."

I couldn't help it. The tears came back immediately.

"Jesus Christ," I swore through my tears. "He's here?!"

"Quiet," Zander hissed. "It's perfect. You have to make a scene. Your mom has to make a scene. You have to leave in anger."

Zander told me how to contact him later. At that point, I jumped back and started shouting at Zander. It was damn good acting, if I do say so myself. Well, I was only half acting.

I stormed over to my mom and filled her in on our plan through a pretended hug for comfort. She trusted me, thank god. She shouted at Zander too and we drove away, hoping we would be safe from David King.

My mom understood and trusted my need for secrecy. Dad split a few years ago, so it was just the two of us staying security conscious. At my mom's recommendation, we moved out only a month later. I formed a corporation with the state, and that corporation signed our lease. I had my cousin act as the registered agent. It wasn't perfect cover, but it added a few extra steps to locating our home.

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