I Dared My Best Friend To End My Life Part 4

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Hello everyone,

Once again, thanks for all your love and support. It's hard to stay motivated the more I learn here in the present day. I'm trying not to make too many comments about the present day because I want to get you all up to speed.

Oh yeah, some of you have asked about the two computers. I've been going through them and they are similar, but not identical at all. It's like if you were to switch off using two computers, one each day. They are similar in that sense.

I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you very much in the comments. I know Zander did, and you all loved it. I'm just too depressed and feeling hopeless.

I'll continue where I left off now.

We left the station with Hernandez and got back into my car. It was late afternoon now.

"Well, we still have leads," I said. "We learned who Jack Hemsey is, and I bet we could check on the others through social media too."

"And the bar," she added. "We're going there next."

I drove us there. It wasn't far from the police station, only a couple of blocks, but the heat made us stick with driving.

It might have been slightly larger than any other bar I've ever been to, but otherwise it was normal. Incoherent music filled the air, and the hum and drone of light conversation filled gaps in the music. The bar was pretty sparse since it wasn't that late.

I paused for half a second when I thought I saw David King sitting in a booth, staring at me. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. Katie noticed and waited for me. She gave me a questioning look, but I shook my head. Thankfully, she didn't persist.

We sat down at the bar and ordered a beer for each of us. I fully intended to ignore my beer. I'm not a drunk driver. We just purchased them to blend in and hopefully make the bartender more cooperative.

Before the drinks arrived, Zander's phone pinged again. Same message.

M4N513THO: Where's Zander?

I ignored it.

When the bartender brought us our drinks, Katie turned on the charm.

"I'm looking for an old friend of mine I used to hook up with," she said over the music and conversations. "Jack Hemsey?"

"Name doesn't ring a bell," the gruff man in his forties replied.

"Maybe Kraig Munson?" I asked. He gave me a peculiar look.


"What about Sophie Atrikson?" Katie said next. The man paused.

"Sophie Atrikson," he said with a sigh. I couldn't tell if it was a sigh of exasperation, or longing.

"You know her then?" Katie prodded.

"Yeah, she used to come here a lot after work," he said. "Is she your lover too?" He said, winking at Katie.

"Sophie's also an old friend," Katie smiled undeterred. "I used to hang out with the crew a lot and lost contact a while ago."

"Hate to say it, but she was banned from this bar for fighting about... oh, I dunno over a year ago?"

"Who was she fighting?" Katie feigned surprise.

"Some guy who came and hit on her all night. The bastard wouldn't leave her alone. Eventually she slapped him, and he jumped all over her."

"She got banned because a creep hit on her and then attacked?" I asked skeptically.

"No," the man chuckled. "He had her down for a few seconds, but then she came right back and beat the living shit out of him. It was quite a sight! Unfortunately, the owner kicked her out. I didn't have much say in the matter."

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