I Dared My Best Friend To End My Life Part 7

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Hi everyone. God, I'm so tired. But this will truly be our last update. I can sleep once I finish this.

I'm sorry about Sophie's bitch rant. I'm alive, as you can tell. I know I can't prove it, but hopefully the details I include will be able to.

I'll just start.

As I approached the church, I raised my hands in a gesture of surrender. That made my shoulder hurt, and I flinched. The two guards standing just inside the glass doors jogged out. They grabbed me roughly, and I let them set handcuffs behind my back.

I was quickly rushed me inside the church and out of view. They frisked me, taking David's hard drive from my hands, Zander's phone, and my sling. The confiscated items were set on a table. On the table, there was a pistol and two knives. Zander's things, I guessed.

Then the world went black as they slipped a hood over my eyes. I was carried to a car and driven for a long time.

When we stopped, they removed the hood, and I was blinded by the moon. It had been light when I'd gone to the church, so it had been a while.

I took slow, shuffling steps towards the farm I found myself at. There were three structures: a farmhouse to my right, a large tractor shed to my left, and three silos a little ways off. The driveway was made of compacted dirt and led to the farmhouse.

One of the guards drove away in the van. The other guard lightly pushed me to walk faster. We approached the front door of the two-story home. It looked old, but well kept. The grass was trimmed and weeds hadn't infected the spare spaces.

The guard opened the door for me, and I walked inside.

The interior was dim. The front door opened into a hallway that led down to a larger space at the end. Bedrooms branched off from the main hallway, and a staircase led to the second floor.

There were muffled cries and whimpers from some of the bedrooms.

I tried to close my ears and ignore them. The terror that was making my throat close up.

I was guided down the hallway until I got to the larger room, which combined a kitchen, living room, and dining room all in one. There was a door to my left, which they opened. It led to stairs.

The guard grabbed a paper bag off a countertop.

We descended the ancient wood steps and came to a second door. The guard had me turn around, and he undid my cuffs. Then, the guard knocked. Scuffling could be heard from the other side. I started to tremble.

He unlocked no fewer than six locks and bolts. The door was opened, and light spilled into the room. Seven teenagers all cowered in a far corner, covering their eyes from the light.

I was pushed down the last two steps into the freezing basement. The guard tapped my shoulder, and I turned around. He shoved the paper bag into my hands, then shut the door. All six locks clicked.

The basement was pitch black. Only a sliver of light illuminated the room coming from underneath the door.

Hesitant, I opened the plastic bag and felt around inside. A water bottle, a sandwich, a bag of chips, a fruit-by-the-foot. A meal?

I expected torture. I expected to be beaten. I expected to die tonight. Now they were feeding me. What the hell?

The other teenagers in the room were still tense. I could feel it in the air.

"Hello," I said cautiously. "My name is Clark."

No response. I didn't expect one. Zander said they tortured people, and these kids were likely no exception.

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